NotStack's blog

By NotStack, history, 5 weeks ago, In English

Utsav_Kashyap Bro started div2 contest almost after 50 mins and still solved 6 problems, GOD level thinking. In just 2 months bro become candidate master and may be GM or IGM in next 2 to 3 months I guess. Bro you should join some plateform to teach noob coders like us so that we can reach pupil or specialist to feel that happiness as you've. LMAO, I don't even have words, what to say, people already said alot.

AmmarAhmedTheSaviour Bro couldn't able to solve this simple Problem E. in div 4 which have over 3000+ submissions E. Skibidus and Rizz but bro solved the hardest problem F. in div 2 which have only 270 submissions F. Bitwise Slide. And the best part is He gave only 2 contest till now and solved 6 problems in div 2 and only 5 problems in div 4 and not even have a single wrong answer on any problem, OMG. And He is still defending himself, I want this level of confidence. and also, Cheater can afford compilation error but can't afford a single wrong answer on any test case.

tiwariakshay590 Bro solved problem C. Devyatkino with 4D DP which can be solved in just 5 to 8 lines using greedy. He solved this problem using 4D DP because the tiwariakshay590 is buyer and bdyby1009 is seller. Buyer Solution Problem C and seller solution Problem C is completely matched. Now He is defending himself saying that he've done pure hardwork and become expert on codeforces. And for problem F submission F — Bitwise Slides, he is commenting on some stupid things which he says, like telling us // Namespace for utility functions and constants // Custom macros for concise loops // Solution encapsulated within a class for better code organization // To handle multiple test cases, uncomment the line below Bro have so much time that he wrote all these stupid comments to tell us that this works for this and this works for that. Only gpt can write these fuc*** stupid things.

vin_esh_32 He registered some 4 months ago on codeforces. Bro was getting 16553 rank, 9636 rank, 9481 rank etc by solving just 1 problem in div.2 contest. Bro couldn't able to solve even 1000 rated or 1100 rated problems in previous contest but He solved 6 problems in yesterday div. 2 contest. Unbelievable and got rank 10(2 digit) globally. Bro got success over the nights. The journey from 16000 rank to rank 10, The journey of not solving a 1100 rated problem to solve a problem 2500 or 2600 rated problem(because there are 200 submissions only). And the best part is bro don't even get a single wrong answer in any problem submissions even tourist benq jiangly can get WA on solving straight 6 or 7 problems. And the last part, vin_esh_32 is buyer and this is seller bdyby1009, because the solutions are matching totally.

Those all cheater solved Problem E and F in the last 5 to 8 mins because the seller himself couldn't solve early, Even Seller submitter the problem E and F with in last 3 or 5 mins.

I can write a story of all these cheaters with a proof, but I think it is enough. There is no way to stop this.

For more names of cheater refer to this blog : Please ban those cheaters!!!!

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5 weeks ago, # |
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Ban them and they will comeback with new accounts, what you gonna if that happens? This cheating , banning etc is a never ending cycles, better leave it as it is and think this cheaters as another problems in any round you give.