Assalamualaikum coding enthusiasts! I'm engaged with codeforces since last 2 year, although practicing regulerly and giving contests(consecutive).But to be honestly i'm unable to increase my CF rating at all.And also literally depressed to my codeforces rating. please anyone findout my problems,I will try to fix those problems. And give some special tips & tricks to increase CF rating. (Jazakallah Khairan)
(my English is bad) You should write more about yourself and what exactly you're failing at. But I can say that in order to increase the rating at the initial stages, it is worth solving classical learning tasks, which are usually collected and posted on different sites. In Russia, for example, we have or and at one time I decided exactly from there, and only then I began to solve on CF.
problems are facing, more time consumes to solve A,B problem altough no needed of any specific algorithms to solve these.However before or after the contest... I can solve these problems please you tell me which strategy are efficient to fix my problem(also me too much week at english)
I think you should try different training approaches and experiment. For example, solve problems with increasing difficulty: +100, +200, +300, +400. It's better to watch problem explanations only if the problem hasn't been solved after one or two days (The key is not to deceive yourself and keep trying, even if it feels like you can't solve it).
You might want to consider whether you have issues with school-level math or lack knowledge of basic techniques (e.g., binary search on the answer and similar methods).
Also, I've heard that competition math significantly improves skills for competitive programming (most likely tasks where you need to think in a similar way but without solving equations). Just open archives of math olympiads for school students and try solving those. Experiment with combining tasks from math and informatics competitions. You could even try dedicating a month solely to math without solving programming tasks to see how it affects your skills.
Recently, I came across Theme CP, and you could give it a shot as well ( Check out this blog post for more details:
Sorry for my english)
May be give some Virtual Contests
jajakallah khairan, my brother
Try to give virtual contests more. In Div2 try to solve A as quickly as possible. And give more virtual contests. Looking at solution is not at all bad. After looking at solution try to think why you were not able to reach that solution. Wheather its knowledge or concept that you lack, or its implemnetation. Try to have a growing and sports programmer mindset. Practice upto +200 of your rating range.
jajakallah khairan,my brother
Write in English i cant understand Russian my brother
"Jazakallah khair” is an Islamic expression and Arabic phrase that translates to “May Allah reward you with goodness.” Muslims commonly use this polite saying to express their gratitude to someone who helped them
You seem to be practicing a lot but unable to improve? Maybe it's a language barrier thing? Do you find it hard understanding the problems ? Also try doing theme cp .
plz clarify about role(shortly) of theme cp,i don't understand to that
You can read this.
I think, as I was also facing this problem, even though it may look like from my profile, that I haven't solved many problems like you, but one Leetcode I have solved around 750 problems.
So after solving that much on Leetcode and then coming to codeforces, I thought I would be able to become an expert on CF quickly, but ended up being a newbie, until recently I found out something about myself.
So basically you should first see what your problem is while solving problems.
Here are the things that I found out from my self-assessed :
So here's the solution that I implemented for myself:
Now from your comments, I believe you are able to think of logic for Problem A and Problem B. So now you have to assess yourself and understand what is the thing that you suck at maybe it could be implementation or DSA concepts. For improving your implementation you should have a good knowledge of the programming language you are using and obviously, you should practise translating your logic to code.
Thanks Mera vai
you need to do some hard problems so that in contest the problems feel easier, you've just been spamming fodder questions
i can't easily adapt with the hard many harder problems need to solve to be adaptable with that. even if i find out a solution of a hard problem then i fail to implementation...However, For Example if i solve 6-7 hard(1200,1300,1400) problems in a days 1-2 prblms of these able to solve by own without any help..(sorry! , my english is bad)
you are not alone my brother. We will go green soon. Don't lose hope and don't feel depressed, just try to solve 1200,1300,1400 rated problems even more. Get more clarity on number theory. <3
In shaa Allah, thanks my brother for encourage to me
يا دين امي عالجراف بتاعك
get good brother
Don't be depressed, be better
forget about the cf rating and just enjoy solving problems
Stop trying hard, from the problems you have solved, You can reach higher rate, just don't participate in a contest if you don't feel like it (I have lost a lot of rate because of this), If you don't feel like solving, join the contest virtually when you feel like it and after a contest try upsolving what you could not solve.
Solve above 100 problems of rating 1200,1300,1400,1500 and then you will definitely break through. You are solving only the easier questions. Trust me your brain will adapt, it will be difficult in the start.
Ok answer me something honestly, while practicing do you look at a problem, think if you already know the answer, if not just check editorial and submit it?
Cause I looked at your profile and with that much consistency in problems and contests there's no way you should be at your current rating unless something is being done in a very wrong way.
Learn more advanced algorithms, practice out of your comfort zone, get a community of good coders that can help you.