Shisuko's blog

By Shisuko, history, 5 weeks ago, In English

Hello all! I have another contest to share with you all.

Abakoda was an initiative by NOI.PH (the Philippines' olympiad) to run a beginner-friendly educational long contest. Contestants were given a little under 10 days to solve 14 problems. We have decided to share these problems with the general Codeforces community.

I feel very strongly that good beginner contests are required in order to lower the barrier to competitive programming. And I'm once again quite proud of the set that I ended up writing! The problems should be approachable for beginners... but that said, I think there are a handful of problems that more experienced contestants might find interesting anyway ;)

The contest link is here:

I hope you enjoy!

Art is by the wonderful Saji Tan

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"The problems should be approachable for beginners... but that said, I think there are a handful of problems that more experienced contestants might find interesting anyway ;)"

Most notably, skilled people should check out Problem E. It made me use up at least 3 days to think of a partial solution.