Hello, Codeforces!
On Dec/22/2024 17:35 (Moscow time) the Codeforces Round 995 (Div. 3) will start. The round will contain 7 problems, which are mostly suited for participants with rating below 1600 (or we hope so). Although, as usual, participants with rating of 1600 and greater can register for the round unofficially. Participants with rating below 1600 can also use unrated registration to participate unofficially.
The round will be hosted by rules of educational rounds (extended ACM-ICPC). Thus, during the round, solutions will be judged on preliminary tests, and after the round it will be a 12-hour phase of open hacks (we hope that our tests are strong enough, so there won't be too many solutions hacked during this phase).
You will have to solve 7 problems in 2 hours and 15 minutes. The penalty for a wrong submission is equal to 10 minutes.
We remind you that only the trusted participants of the third division will be included in the official standings table. As it is written on the blog which you can access by this link, this is a compulsory measure for combating unsporting behavior. To qualify as a trusted participant of the third division, you must:
- take part in at least two rated rounds (and solve at least one problem in each of them),
- not have a point of 1900 or higher in the rating.
Regardless of whether you are a trusted participant of the third division or not, if your rating is less than 1600, then the round will be rated for you.
The problems were prepared by Neon, fcspartakm, awoo, adedalic and me. We hope you enjoy solving them!
We would also like to thank MikeMirzayanov for his Codeforces and Polygon platforms, and Vladosiya for coordinating the round.
The contest was tested by shnirelman, k1sara, leovl48, jai_hanuman_orz, saba_goduadze, JuicyGrape, RohitLakra and rahmanmehraj627. Thank you for helping us in evaluating the difficulty better and in getting rid of ambiguity in statements!
Good luck, and see you during the contest!
Are the problems going to be like educational rounds?
how about score distribution?
There is no score distribution
every task is worth 1 point
More like Div 2 Edu.
NO,it's not like that...
I hope to get rid of this color in this contest. Best of luck to yall too \(^~^)/
What about getting Grey color.. (jk) ;)
lol. might be. might be not.
are you blessing me or cursing me?
hope to reach 1500+)
++ (•_•)
best of luck everyone
Please, green leave me.
profile pic checks out
That everything you hate is not illegal.
I meant muslims use green to represent themselves
Oh, ok.
I love Div 3 because it's really easy and good for me
Please don't make E a 1800+ problem.
i will be a pupil in this contest
But u r already purple (magic)
Div 3(EDU)
Ty for another div 3 <3
Hope to become expert today. What do you think.
But you are already CM (of course, magic)
Will become fr also till 2025.
I hope I can stay
but you are a newbie
Looking forward to participate!
Hopefully I won't turn gray
where are score distribution?
there might not be any newbies and pupils in this contest (magic)
heyy! i'm new here, actually this is my first time and i want to know how to get points and can i join this if i don't have any ? and please what kind of problems are going to solved? is it programming ? and if so what lang is used ? i am sorry if this sounds dump i just want to understand more :)
You are welcome to joining any content if you are interested,and in Div.3,one problem equal 1 points,and there is time penatly,in other word,the few time you use to solve the problem,the penatly lower,your rank will become higher. You can use whatever lang you like,like C/C++,python and otherelse
oh! I got it thank you !!
Hoping to get to pupil int this Div 3. Wishing everyone luck including me :3
Good luck, everyone! Keep coding and climbing those ranks!
orz leovl48
so hard :(
am i getting dumber or people are getting smarter?????
the first one D:,
was the contest easier than day before yesterday's or waking up early, taking a bath and spending time outside, in the sun made me smarter, lol. my first contest where i could solve 4 questions. ig finally i can get 1k+.
Yea 12/20's was harder. That was a div. 2 contest, this was a div. 3. Difficulty goes, from hardest to easiest, div. 1 -> div. 2 -> div. 3 -> div. 4
Oh, thanks for the clarification.
I've been thinking about problem G and I'm curious now, did someone solve it using TSP?
You can compute for all pairs of of snakes $$$i$$$ and $$$j$$$, the minimum separation needed between the two snakes assuming snake $$$j$$$ will be placed after $$$i$$$ in the strip. You can then run a TSP-like DP.
Yep, that's the solution I came up with
G was cool, thx
Damn, I think I could have solved either F or G in time (and I was slow in beginning)... but considering that I did the contest while in a car lol ... not bad.
speedforces A-D bincodeforcesearch
sorry was too lazy to solve E(and i wanna sleep, i slept only 2 hours this night. and i wanna eat). 3700 place, i think that very small, but positive delta.
Did E require binary search?
I couldn't form the predicate function but will upsolve
Yeah, just sort and binary search on the left and right bounds for the interval to pair with the current element (when iterating through from left to right). be sure to pair with only elements that come after the current one.
You're thinking of D. He's asking about E which I also thought was binary/ternary search but couldn't figure out
Oh yeah, E was like interval processing. I didn't use binary search. Just maintain a map from (price) to (type of event), where each event is the start of an interval of the form (a_i, b_i] or the form (b_i, infinity). We basically iterate through these events in order and maintain the number of customers in the 0-a and a-b intervals, calculate the corresponding answer at interesting points, and only consider answers whenever the corresponding number of people in the a-b intervals is <= k.
could you share your solution?
from what I see it's a line sweep/greedy question
nice thanks :)
I did E without any binary search. I used a priority queue to simulate the "events" than happen when reaching a number, and maintain 3 counts (
Positives = 0, Negatives = 0, Unprocessed = n
).a[i]: Positives++, Unprocessed--
a[i] + 1: Positives--, Negatives++
: Counts don't change, but this is where you can also take it as the cost of the tree to sell.b[i] + 1: Negatives--
After each "timestamp" is done, check if
Negatives <= k
then the current sum can be calculate ascost * (Positives + Negatives + Unprocessed)
(The value at the moment can be taken as the cost).why negatives-- ?
Oh there was a typo, what I meant was
b[i] + 1
, notb[i + 1]
. Because at that point, the customer doesn't want to buy the tree anymore.I managed to upsolve E with your idea! Thank you!
I did it abit differently. My idea was to use something like difference array Submission
Great contest! Every division 3 should be like this. All the problems were nice and educational.
Is problem E binary search?
Problem E:
you can do it in 2 ways,1st
— Prove that the answer lies in the unique pairs of (ai, bi) always, can be proved using forming the loss function as we do in ternary search and observing that its convex,2nd
— use generic binary search with low =0, high = max(bi) and then check for each mid if we are well within the limits of <= k negative reviews if we are then find how many are willing to pay * mid, and find the max accordinglyI've failed to seek why my binary search solution is WA sadly.
Just now I read how others solve using intervals is very eyes-opening to me, learned and accepted with that method.
Ok so it took me 1 hour to realize the number of trees sold is not continuous by price (because the negative review condition break it), so binary search on it is wrong... sadly I got into wrong direction twice in this contest.
Outplayed, it took more to be an expert I guess :(
Could you kindly elaborate more on why you feel binary search won't work?
I explained the trivial binary search on best price or the trees sold won't work because the value function doesn't continuous.
Imagine a linear line function that is increasing/decreasing, but a few values got drop to 0 because of some condition. Then it's impossible to binary search the normal way because it will make your left/right decision being wrong. (when the mid value is pointing to that 0 value, your code bugs)
you might also keep the method binary search, but do it way more fancier. There's many submission out there to read how they works.
Its fine buddy, you learnt a lot, that's a plus ;)
I implemented what your 2nd solution is, but I am still getting a wrong answer: my submission
I think it has something to do with the "if(neg > k) high = mid — 1;" though I am not sure where I am going wrong.
Is G about shortest hamilton path?
okay so 20 rounds of stress tests with $$$n$$$ being 2000 were not sufficient to debug my E. 297881571
That's the same test case where my code fails ..35th token from tc 2.. if u get where exactly your approach fails , pls post here
My flaw was while considering the price to be some $$$b[i]$$$, I need to have all the $$$a[i]$$$ corresponding to same $$$a[i]$$$ in my set. (I still don't know how so many stresses missed these TC).
my code had same issue even though I fixed this issue when considering a[i] as my price , idk why I missed this when considering b[i]s..
check my solution why wrong on testcase 3rd?
shit, sorry bro, but i can't read it
E destroyed me inside out.
did anyone solved D by saving the frequency of each number occurs in a map? I got memory limited Exceeded, but i'm struggling to understand why i got that.
yes, its because the hashmap would take up space of 10^9 ints in the worst case which is around 4gb of space whereas the memory limit is only 256MB.
Why my E doesn't work: 297952582
Refer to my code. Same logic and very readable.
Just got E accepted 7 minutes after round ended. Thinking of +20 laughs breaks into -20 tears. E was easy but just 1 line of continue;. Maybe +40 next game. Thank you for the contest, I enjoyed the problems. Very engaging.
Can somebody give some hints regarding Problem F and G? Thanks.
I think G was pretty standard problem. If you precompute how much distance between 2 snake should be at the start, then you can just apply bitmask dp. Total complexity would be (n^2*q+2^n*n^2).
On F, you can think where joker can be as intervals. Let's assume joker could have been at any position in interval [L,R]. If you remove one card from [1,L-1] and put it behind, then now joker can be at position [L-1,R]. And if you remove it and put at the front, then nothing changes. Now let's say there was query that asked to change a card that was joker, then new intervals will be added: [1,1] and [n,n]. And now you just have to track those intervals as well.
Didn't get it yet.
Amazing contest! E was a cool line sweep problem! Thanks for the round Neon fcspartakm awoo adedalic BledDest and all testers!
Problem E: why the output of last test case of problem E is not 18 but 15 ? I think price should be 9 and can buy 2 customers. what have I missed in the statement?
The customer will buy its not your choice so if you keep it 9 then there are 2 penalties which is not allowed. Cost me 7 more minutes, resulted in only 4 problems solved :')
thanks got it.
Can anyone help me why my logic for E is wrong? 297944262
Your isValid() is not suitable for binary search because it produces "ok" values for small prices, then it may produce some -1 for larger prices, and then again "ok" for even larger prices.
Usually I'm using C++, but for D, I turned to python for the convinience of SortedList to find how many numbers are smaller than a given number.
I'm wondering if there's an handy equivalent in C++?
You can use the lower_bound.
We can't do that if we have to sort the array each time though?
We don't even have to sort the array each time lol. My solution just sorts once.
You can use pbds ordered_set data structure, but you have to manually import it though.
Thank you. I'll give it a try.
We did mention this as being the overkill and defeating the purpose of the problem, but i don't think we could have had tests to distinguish between the intended solutions and one with pbds/sortedContainers.
you meant lower_bound function on sorted array?
I mean if there is something similar to "multiset s" but I can do s.lower_bound(x) — s.begin() sort of things.
Bro no disrespect or anything in any way but you're 1903 and never heard of ordered_set?
lol, you don't need ordered_set for anything to become red.
Probably heard of it. But never used before.
why wasn't sweep line method working in E?
Try this input.
Your answer gives
, but100
should cause2
negative reviews, which is not allowed.The vector pair approach treats each event as independent, but in fact you should only update the answer after all
s which are the same have finished processing.In Problem D,
1 ≤ i < j ≤ n
distracted me from even thinking about sorting.Pretty devious problem statement lmao
yeah it was bugging me and my small capacity brain wanted to get rid of it, then i though if i select a pair from the array, its a given that one element's index will be lesser than the other's.
A Different idea for Problem E:
Let the Earnings Function be :
Earnings(p)= p × (number of customers who buy at price p)
Since the function changes it's values only at (ai, bi). There is no need to consider prices outside the set of unique values from ai and bi, as the earnings function does not change between these points.
Hence we can store the unique pairs of (a,b), and then find the lower bound considering a and then using b.
As Negative reviews = (number of customers buying at bi) — (number of customers buying at ai), Ensure that this difference is ≤ k, also the main function behaves like a piecewise constant function, rather than unimodal
My Code for E
I get totally blank as to how to think of test cases that break my code. Are there any tricks for it, experiences folks?
Additionally, can someone explain what am I missing that causes my code to fail!
Cheers, foster
isn't E ternary search(ish) ?
Estimated rating for each problem?
You can refer to CLIST (which hasn't finished estimation yet). The official estimation will be days later.
Why does this binary search logic not work on E ?
As we keep increasing the price, there will be a price at which the number of negative reviews will be greater than K. Use binary search to find that price. Let that price be P.
Now, between 1 and P, we need to find the price at which the profit will be maximum. As we keep increasing the price, the number of customers who will buy will decrease. So, the graph of profit will look like a unimodal function (am I wrong to assume this ?), where the profit first increases then decreases. So, we can use ternary search.
It behaves like a piecewise constant function rather than unimodal, as the function only changes values at different values of (ai, bi). So the answer must lie in the different unique values of ai and bi, then you can use trivial binary search or do like I did, here
You can find that while the price is higher than the max price, there will be no customers buying, and at the same time,there will be no customers giving negative reviews. So your point 1 is wrong, because the number of negative reviews may decrease when you're higher the price.
there will be a price at which the number of negative reviews will be greater than K
This assumption is wrong, for a quick example.
can anyone point out the reason for TLE here, is it with the manipulation of segment tree(for sums) i did or something else? ps. i know segment tree was overkill but back then during contest i was getting this approach
Multiple contestants with ChatGPT, they didn't try to hide it either, crazy: bdyby10001 NeVeDlE dikshit_barla Ak.24 donshaaab ynotme 028 budarin.028472
Update: even top 4 on the scoreboard (amhdaimm) was using it, but he participated unofficially
If you got an approach, you can save the unnecessary plag attacks by using classes. Whats the big deal to cry here buddy. Listen dude, try to get the solutions from gpt for the problems. Seriously bro ? Dont blabber for no reason
I guess you didn't get the meaning of competitive programming. It's all about the approach and not the syntax. If it is, we wouldn't even have stls for cpp. I hope you got it lol
my rating is several hundreds higher than yours, stop yapping bud
coding while commenting and doing it so fast? 297834073
Vladosiya please take a look and tell me if this guy is cheating or nah
Coding and commenting and doing it so fast? As you can see I solved that problem which you mentioned was the first problem I solved. It took 18 minutes to solve that problem.Hahahahaha..! lol and you seriously think gpt gives typedef siu for long long. Okay try to write the same code I wrote, you will finish it in 10 minutes where I took 18 minutes.
I won't because I don't have ChatGPT coding for me
I said about typing the code.Anyways I didn’t mean to argue with you. There might be misunderstandings. Chill buddy…! I guess it’s not right to judge without knowing the behind story. So yeah have a great time, I really want to end this conversation with a good note..! Bye
From what I see, n and m in all test cases of problem C are equal (Except for 1 case in the sample), is it intentionally weak like this?
codes of higher rated folks look similar for problem F. Is this a standard trick/idea or smth ?
which problems you mean?
problem F
brute force and AC in F Can someone hack my code? code
If i set my price to p , all the buyers who have b>=p will buy , so regardless of how i set the price , all the people having a greater b[i] would but it. This inpires me to sort the people in non decreasing order of thier b. Consider this arrangement to be an array , now , for any price , only a suffix of the array would be buying trees. So,i will iterate on every possible suffix and see whats the best I can do. Consider the suffix i .... n-1,i aspire for all these people to buy trees I can set the price to be atmost b[i] , because more than that , the ith perosn won't be able to buy Also , i can set the price to be atmost the (k+1)th largest value in the suffix ai , ai+1 , ... an-1 , because keeping my price more than that would imply more than k bad reviews , if there are less than k+1 distinct elements in the suffix i of a , no added constraint , we can set the price to be b[I].So I set the price p to be min(b[I] , (k+1)th largest element of suffix a[I] , if any).Please note that i talk about a[i] and b[i] not in the priginal order , but in order sorted according to b in increasing order. Don't worry about the time complexity for now , just tell me is my approach optimal? I have implemented this using a fenwick tree in nlogn
Someone please point out a flaw in this approach
Your approach is correct. I didn't read the code that you submitted in contest, but I fixed the brute force implementation you submitted after. Your mistake was using
instead ofstd::multiset
: https://codeforces.me/contest/2051/submission/297964342https://codeforces.me/submissions/brao27
this was my implementation during contest,
My latest submission was just me confirming if my implantation of fenwick was not the problem and I used set instead of multisite in hurry.This is the nlogn solution , can you find the error in this?
this is the submission.The above link is wrong
There are a lot of details in this code that don't make sense to me. Maybe you should try rewriting it with a clear mind.
No worries, got it.
Thanks a ton.
Thank you very much for the round guys.
Can anyone find an error in the following logic for E.
First calculate the maximum price that is possible so that at most k negative reviews are received. This can be done by sorting all ai values and finding the k+1th value in the A array. Now check for all values of b which are smaller than the MAX_PRICE which we calculated earlier and then calculate the maximum revenue.
If this logic is right than why my code is not working 297928615
Since we can now see test cases, your code fails on this test
It should return 28, but returns 24.
One place your assumption is wrong is that it assumes forgets that if a customer doesn't buy a tree, they don't leave a bad review
Here's a simpler example of where your code goes wrong. The correct answer would be 1000, as the last customer would buy the tree and leave a bad review, and nobody else would buy it. However, your code returns 12, as 3 is the first value in which exceeding it would result in 2 negative reviews.
Thanks for that insight
Can anyone explain the logic for E in easiest way possible.
Consider that the profit can only change at prices $$$a_i$$$ or $$$b_i$$$. You can visualize profit as a step function with steps at $$$a_i$$$ and $$$b_i$$$. Therefore we need only check these "boundary" prices. Moreover, we can efficiently calculate profit for a given price using binary search over sorted $$$a_i$$$ and $$$b_i$$$. The sorted $$$b_i$$$ will tell us the number of buyers for some price. The sorted $$$a_i$$$ will tell us the number of buyers leaving a positive review for some price. The difference between buyers and positive review buyers tells us the number of negative review buyers. We need only take the maximum profit over these boundary prices, discounting prices giving us excessive negative reviews. This results in $$$O(n*lg(n))$$$, which passes.
The First idea is that the only values possible for the price of a tree are ai and bj for any i and j. The logic behind that is that if you choose any value that is neither an ai or bj then you can increase your value until your value already exists in A array or B array without getting an extra negative review or losing a customer entirely. If you understand this idea than rest is easy. For each ai and bi you can calculate the total revenue. lets set the price of a tree to be X then the number of negative reviews are the number of elements smaller than X in A array minus the number of elements that are smaller than X in B array .The customer not buying the tree will not leave a negative review. Now if for X the negative reviews are at most k than calculate the total number of people that can buy the tree * X .
Can we solve F using dsu?
why below code got hacked? BledDest Mukundan314
It TLEs, my assumption would be that, since you convert a+b to a set first, the hack takes advantage of that and specifically chooses values of a_i and b_i such that insertion will take O(n) time (due to hash collisions), creating a total time complexity of O(n^2). There isn't really a need to convert it into a set here, while it does avoid duplicate calculations, the constraints allow for it
Thank you, so the reason is hash collision of same characters from a and b?
Same hashes, doesn't mean same values
so we python coders has to suffer like this forever? every div3 i attended atleast one solution gets hacked like this.
There are ways to get out of this (i'm ignoring the obvious "Switch to c++", which I would recommend). One way is to use a custom set implementation with guaranteed O(logN) complexity, c++ uses a red-black tree from the looks of it. Another possible solution would be to be hesitant on using it, e.g I didn't need to use it at all for A-E (though my initial thoughts for F did include using one), though this obviously isn't a great solution.
Using Frequency Arrays instead of Dictionaries and Sets and Character Arrays instead of strings for PyPy is something I have learned after many Hacks and TLEs
i think its better to switch to cpp than remembering these small things while implementing
set is $$$\mathcal{O}(n)$$$ at worse
how to reach tourist?
You've already reached his rank :)!
I mean 4000. That rank is called tourist right?
It will take years of hardwork. Keep upsolving for years and hopefully u will become tourist someday.
Hey codeforces, Recently i participated in a codeforces round 995, in that contest, probably someone copied my code and hence our code matched, and that probably resulted in me being shadow banned, my rating didnt change, and others cant see my profile, kindly consider it, and remove the ban
Don't worry, your rating only changes after the hacking period is over (12 hours after the contest ends). Additionally, if someone copies your code, you will receive a notification that they found code similarity, but you will not be penalized (and I can verify that you haven't been penalized as your submissions have not been skipped)
I participated as rated but why did I get under the unrated category please tell me.
Wait for the ratings to get updated.
what about penalty? = "The penalty for a wrong submission is equal to 10 minutes"
Only real men solve E using Fenwick tree
can someone suggest a counter test case for this sub for problem E submission — 297935805 also better if you can explain whats wrong with this implementation logic
It says:
"Regardless of whether you are a trusted participant of the third division or not, if your rating is less than 1600, then the round will be rated for you."
However for some reason, the round wasn't rated for me. Any idea what I did wrong? I've registered a few hours before.
rating will be updated in few hours
my rating is still not updated after the contest is there any kind of problem to worry or is this a bugg . if many of u are facing then let me know .
My solution didn't pass system testing again. I'm so tired of it! You having no brain and not being able to create proper tests shouldn't be my problem!
Bruh, imagine not writing the proper code, and then blame authors for not writing proper tests. I mean sure, the tests are weak, but that doesn't change the fact that your code is wrong in the first place.
How am I supposed ro know if my code is wrong or not if it doesnt tell me properly?
The whole concept of the hacking phase is for people to hack solutions that are "slightly" wrong, or take too much time on some test cases, etc.
In the recent years, pre-tests tend to be stronger, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't verify your own logic before submitting (Or even after submitting, then you need to submit again to make sure it is accepted).
Ok then can you please tell me whats wrong with my code on C ~~~~~
include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std; typedef long long ll; typedef long double ld; typedef __int128_t vl;
define pb push_back
const ll mod = 1e9 + 7; ll fpow(ll a, ll b) { if (b == 0) { return 1; } if (b == 1) { return a % mod; } if (b % 2 == 0) { return fpow((a * a) % mod, b / 2); } else { return (fpow((a * a) % mod, b / 2) * a) % mod; } } void solve() { ll n, m, k; cin >> n >> m >> k; vector q(k); vector a(m); for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i) { cin >> a[i]; } vector kn(n + 1, 0); for (int i = 0; i < k; ++i) { cin >> q[i]; kn[q[i]] = 1; } ll cz = 0; for (ll i : kn) { if (!i) { cz++; } } cz--; if (cz == 0) { for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i) { cout << 1; } } else if (cz >= 2) { for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i) { cout << 0; } } else { for (int i = 1; i <= m; ++i) { if (kn[i] == 0) { cout << 1; } else { cout << 0; } } } cout << endl; } int main() { cin.tie(nullptr), cout.tie(nullptr); ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false); ll tt = 1; cin >> tt; while (tt--) { solve(); } return 0; } ~~~~~
Pretty sure that last for loop should be this:
I wanna jump out the window rn
why hasn't the rating increased ?
This round helps to boost confidence for the beginner/intermediate level competitive programmers. Thanks authors and testers for such an exciting round.
WTF about todays C , it got accepted during contest in PyPy3 and now it is Runtime error on Test 8. Even i had wrote O(1) solution. Here's my submission 297844756
k can be greater than m
So what it's nothing to do with m, but with value of n-k-1.
lol you could try some cases on your own but okay, here is the test:
No its nothing to do with this,this test case will pass with my code. But now i understood , i have made a terrible mistake i thought that if a[i]<a[i+1] then there must always be continuous values in array a like 1,2,3,4,... but it can be like 3,4,5,6 , which i had not considered , now i fixed it and got AC
In the test above your code literally accesses index greater than m, isn’t that a problem on python?
Yes there is... and that is bcz of my above explaination
Where are ratings?
Would someone care to take a look at my submission for problem C and explain why my code outputs a non-alphanumeric character? (If it wasn't for that, I would have got it AC, as per pre-contest test cases. After the system testing, my solution somehow fails.)
While taking input your array is declared as size m and you take m elements as input. But when you are printing the array, you are printing n characters, and if n>m, it will cause unexpected behaviour, i think that is why that is happening.
Ah, of course I got hit with the classic m-n typo. Thanks for pointing that out!
BledDest Why the hell are the pretests so weak ? I confused m with n in Problem C(a very dumb, but a very big error nonetheless) and my wrong code passed all pretests and failed on system testing ? Kicking myself so hard now :(.
Yes, how it can so silly that even C problem of DIV.3 have such weak pretest.Even it is not failed for TLE but for wrong answer means creators did not even considered that simple test case during setting.
have everyone got ratings of this contest?
not yet
not yet
Why rating changes are taking so much time?
Optimistically I think BledDest is preparing a gift for everyone's ratings :)
Look how Magic made a newbie straight LGM
That was a very good contest! Really good questions. Time to upsolve!
Can anyone tell me why my code is failing?
Your accumulate produces int, not long long, use 0ll as initial value
Great now I feel like an idiot
Why is my submission getting a TLE can someone explain please.
Your segment tree can be very large (see constraints for b)
I think there is some problem in rankings. My rank in common standings(trusted participants only) is 5439 but my rank that is used for rating change is 6233. BledDest , please look into this.
Ratings are calculated among all participants who had <1600 rating prior to the contest (except those who explicitly opted out of being rated). Untrusted participants are also eligible for being rated, so the rank used for calculating rating is different from the one in the official standings.
I think there is some problem in rankings. My rank in common standings(trusted participants only) is 5439 but my rank that is used for rating change is 6233. BledDest , please look into this.
Worst Contest Ever to be made.I hate this contest as well as its questions.Lost rating because of stupid weak pretest on C.
Am I the single person who solved E using Fenwick Tree (BIT)?
Lost rating because of weak pretests on C :( Very bad pretests
What is the approximate rating of problem E? 2051E - Best Price
297849533 I recently received a notification about a potential rule violation regarding my submitted code for Problem 2051C. Please check my blog post
Dear Codeforces team,
I noticed that my solution for problem 2051E (submission ID: 297946801) has been flagged for similarity with other submissions. I would like to clarify that my solution was written independently, and I did not share or copy code during the contest.
The flagged similarity might be due to: 1. The use of standard event-based approaches, which are common for range problems. 2. Pre-written templates I often use for handling interval queries and sorting.
To demonstrate my independent work, I can provide: - A detailed explanation of my approach and reasoning. - Any pre-written code or templates prepared before the contest.
I value the fairness and integrity of competitive programming and am committed to upholding these standards. Please let me know if further clarification is needed.
Thank you for your understanding.