Hello, Codeforces!
We are happy to invite you to TheForces Round #38 (Tree-Forces), which will take place on [contest_time:105621]
You will have 135 minutes to solve 7 problems.
The round is TheForces rated! After the round you can find your rating changes here.
Prizes: The participant in the $$$i$$$th place will receive $$$2^{3-i}$$$ dollars $$$(1 \leq i \leq 3)$$$ as a prize. In addition, we will randomly select $$$\lfloor \frac{p}{30} \rfloor$$$ lucky participants and give each of them $$$1$$$ dollar as a prize, where $$$p$$$ is the number of participants. Please actively participate :)
For more details about TheForces prize, read the above spoiler and join TheForces!
The problems are authored by SpyrosAliv, cowthecow.
We would like to thank our army of testers: wuhudsm, Timosh, Yugandhar_Master, Banis, Ashrayy, CowGPT, bricked_, hackstar.
Also we want to thank You for participating in our round.
Discord Server ($$$2500+$$$ members)
Congrats for the winners!
And $$$3$$$ lucky participants:
(Pls dm wuhudsm for your prize : ) )
I want to win 8 dollar.
Actually, it is 4 dollars for first place.
win two round in a row.
Hopefully you like trees :)
Hope everyone enjoys the problems! I can say for certain SpyrosAliv worked hard on making them original yet interesting at the same time.
Trying my best to solve ABCD again, road to expert performance.
As a tester, spyros is orz
Can I ask if this is rated or not?
It's not rated. If it was, we wouldn't just tell you what types of problems you might expect, right?
It's rated for TheForces rating which is separated from codeforces rating.
As I forgot to test, my bad :(
Tbf, I kept saying I would test and then I kept not testing... until like 6 days ago when I decided to do testing instead of hw.
As a tester, I tested
As a tester, SpyrosAliv ORZ!
as a tester, i'm a tester
To be honest, I don't like the problemset. I think each problem is fine individually, but together they make the problemset feel a bit boring and standard. (But thanks for the contest anyways!)