Hello, Codeforces!
We are happy to invite you to TheForces Round #37 (Brute-Forces1), which will take place on 07.11.2024 17:35 (Московское время)
You will have 135 minutes to solve 7 problems.
The round is TheForces rated! After the round you can find your rating changes here.
Prizes: The participant in the $$$i$$$th place will receive $$$2^{3-i}$$$ dollars $$$(1 \leq i \leq 3)$$$ as a prize. In addition, we will randomly select $$$\lfloor \frac{p}{30} \rfloor$$$ lucky participants and give each of them $$$1$$$ dollar as a prize, where $$$p$$$ is the number of participants. Please actively participate :)
For more details about TheForces prize, read the above spoiler and join TheForces!
The problems are authored by Yugandhar_Master.
We would like to thank our army of testers: Dominater069, satyam343, wuhudsm, TyroWhizz, Krabbypatty, Alphx, CODE__INFINITY, tirthgohil1410, Krrishchanchal, Error_, Aditya8676, Krishbansal333, hackstar, Rifat02.
And we would like to thank Amir_Parsa for the cool poster!
Also we want to thank You for participating in our round.
Discord Server ($$$2500+$$$ members)
Congrats for the winners!
1 siganai
3 Egor
And $$$2$$$ lucky participants:
(Pls dm wuhudsm for your prize : ) )
Looking forward to Brute-Forces 1!
As a tester, problems are amazing! good luck for everyone.
As a tester, I tested my first contest. The experience was amazing and problemset is really cool and worth it to solve. Good Luck to Everyone.
looking forward to solve ABCD this time.
Good Luck everyone,Problem are interesting. Cool and Done it.
Good Luck to everyone ,try to learn something from it
I hope you enjoy the round ;)
Registration is open :)
As a tester, All the best everyone, Have fun!
Reminder: contest starts in 20 minutes ;)
man I'm so bad got smacked in C again...
How to quickly recompute $$$f(p)$$$ in problem G?
I am not able to see submissions of Problem C. Can you share the solution?
Compare this with no condition on i,j(classic problem). Just think what makes extra effort because of additional constraints on i,j
To quickly compute we can use link-cut tree
Lol your original comment was correct
My bad ;)
can anyone tell me why is this getting wrong for problem c
any counter test case lead will be helpful
Try this test case :
Expected $$$2$$$ but found $$$1$$$
based test case, I miss the factor in a gcd problem...
We'll get 'em next time.
It was an amazing experiance as a tester first time.
too happy for winning the prize