Hello, Codeforces!
We are happy to invite you to TheForces Round #36 (Starters-Forces), which will take place on Oct/25/2024 17:35 (Moscow time)
You will have 120 minutes to solve 6 problems. One of the problems is divided into two subtasks.
The round is TheForces rated! After the round you can find your rating changes here.
Prizes: The participant in the $$$i$$$th place will receive $$$2^{3-i}$$$ dollars $$$(1 \leq i \leq 3)$$$ as a prize. In addition, we will randomly select $$$\lfloor \frac{p}{30} \rfloor$$$ lucky participants and give each of them $$$1$$$ dollar as a prize, where $$$p$$$ is the number of participants. Please actively participate :)
For more details about TheForces prize, read the above spoiler and join TheForces!
The problems are authored by wuhudsm, imranakki, Timosh, MathModel.
We would like to thank our army of testers: satyam343, Little_Sheep_Yawn, tfgs, Satoru, wltt, yse, Ashrayy, Yugandhar_Master, larush, Banis, xksark, codewithprakhar, Error_, sai_computation, _Robi, Tommi, WhoIsThatProgrammer.
Also we want to thank You for participating in our round.
Discord Server ($$$2500+$$$ members)
Congrats for the winners!
3 potatoo
And $$$3$$$ lucky participants:
(Pls dm wuhudsm for your prize : ) )
As a tester.....
As a problemsetter, I hope you will enjoy the round :D
As a teseter, I force you TheForces.
You are forcing children?! Time to call child helpline
As a tester, I hope you enjoy this round!
As a problemsetter and co-coordinator Enjoy!
As a tester, !(I hope you will enjoy this round)
As a participant, I wonder how the round is named.
Yet another yet another round of all time.
As a tester, I tested the round. Problems are neat.
time to go in as a participant this time
As a tester .. We hope u enjoy the contest
Registration is open now!
Under 20 minutes to the contest start!
Contest will start soon!
$$$N=2 * 10^5$$$ could save my divide & conquer solution :( in problem E.