pajenegod's blog

By pajenegod, history, 4 months ago, In English

Hi Codeforces!

This is a blog about a really cool folklore technique that seems to have been forgotten over time. I currently only know of one place where it is mentioned on the internet,, which is a tutorial by monsoon for his problem "Matchings" from a POI training camp in 2010 (see this for more information). But I've heard that this technique is even older than that. I originally learnt of this technique a couple of years back when I was digging through the fastest submissions on 321-C - Ciel the Commander and I saw it being used in a submission 9076307 by Marcin_smu from 2014. I don't know if there is a name for this technique, so I've decided to call it the XOR Linked Tree because of its close connection to XOR linked lists

The XOR Linked Tree is a technique for solving tree problems using very little time and memory. For example, every fastest solution in the "Tree Algorithms" section on currently use this technique. So it is record breaking fast!

The idea:

Suppose in the input of a problem, you are given a tree as $$$n - 1$$$ edges. To construct the XOR Linked Tree data-structure from this, you go through all of the edges and compute the following two things for every node in the tree:

  1. deg[node] = The degree of the node.
  2. xor[node] = The XOR of all neighbours of the node.

Storing this will only take $$$2 n$$$ integers, so this is very cheap memory wise compared to using an adjacency list. It is also really fast, since there are no expensive .push_back/.append calls.

Claim: Using deg and xor, it is possible to reconstruct the tree.

Proof: Identify a leaf node in the tree (this can be done by finding a node with degree 1 in deg). Note that a leaf only has one neighbour, so the XOR of all of its neighbours is simply that neighbour. I.e. the neighbour of a leaf is xor[leaf]. Now remove this leaf from the tree ("pluck it") by lowering the degree of its neighbour by one (deg[neighbour] -= 1) and XORing away the leaf from xor[neighbour] (xor[neighbour] ^= leaf). Now we can just repeat this process of plucking leaves until there a single node left. We have now reconstructed the original tree.

Here is an implementation of the process described in the proof above ^

for i in range(n):
    node = i
    # While node is a leaf
    while deg[node] == 1:
        nei = xor[node]

        # Pluck away node
        deg[node] = 0
        deg[nei] -= 1
        xor[nei] ^= node

        # Check if nei has become a leaf
        node = nei

Something to note is that it is possible to control which node is left at the end (the "root") by setting its degree to 0 before running the algorithm. So the final XOR Linked Tree traversal algorithm is

deg[root] = 0
for i in range(n):
    node = i
    # While node is a leaf
    while deg[node] == 1:
        nei = xor[node]

        # Pluck away node
        deg[node] = 0
        deg[nei] -= 1
        xor[nei] ^= node

        # Check if nei has become a leaf
        node = nei

This is it! This is the entire algorithm! The deg list is now completely 0 (except for deg[root] which can be negative) and the xor list now contains the parent of every node.


This tree traversal algorithm is different compared to BFS or DFS. For one, it doesn't use anything like a queue or a stack. Instead it simply removes one leaf at a time using a while loop inside of a for loop. The order you traverse the nodes in is kind of like doing a BFS in reverse, but it is not exactly the same thing.

Discussion (Advanced)

One last thing I want to mention is that on some tree problems, you specifically need a DFS ordering. For example, there are tree problems on that requires you to compute LCA. Most (if not all) algorithms/data-structures for computing LCA are based on DFS. So is it still possible to use XOR Linked Tree traversal algorithm for these kind of problems?

The answer is yes, it is possible to use the XOR Linked Tree traversal algorithm to compute a DFS ordering. The trick is to first compute the sizes of all subtrees, and then use this information to compute the index of each node in a DFS ordering.

# Store the order of the plucked nodes in the XOR Linked Tree traversal
XOR_traversal_order = []

deg[root] = 0
for i in range(n):
    node = i
    # While node is a leaf
    while deg[node] == 1:
        nei = xor[node]

        # Pluck away node
        deg[node] = 0
        deg[nei] -= 1
        xor[nei] ^= node

        # Check if nei has become a leaf
        node = nei

# Compute subtree sizes
subtree_size = [1] * n
for node in XOR_traversal_order:
    # Note that xor[node] is the parent of node
    p = xor[node]
    subtree_size[p] += subtree_size[node]

# Compute the index each node would have in a DFS using subtree_size
# NOTE: This modifies subtree_size
for node in reversed(XOR_traversal_order):
    p = xor[node]
    subtree_size[node], subtree_size[p] = subtree_size[p], subtree_size[p] - subtree_size[node]

DFS_traversal_order = [None] * n
for node in range(n):
    DFS_traversal_order[subtree_size[node] - 1] = node

This might be one of the weirdest ways to do a DFS ever. But it is blazingly fast!


Here are some benchmarks based on

Python Benchmark Time Memory Submission link
XOR Linked Tree 315 ms 188.93 Mib 243487
BFS with adjacency list 1076 ms 227.96 Mib 243489
DFS (stack) with adjacency list 997 ms 228.90 Mib 243490
DFS (recursive) with adjacency list 2119 ms 731.60 Mib 243496
C++ Benchmark Time Memory Submission link
XOR Linked Tree 31 ms 15.50 Mib 243281
Adjacency list (vector) 97 ms 59.54 Mib 243277
Adjacency list (basic_string) 89 ms 58.62 Mib 243285
"Chinese adjacency list" 73 ms 45.24 Mib 243280
Compressed Sparse Row 69 ms 66.15 Mib 243621


Thanks to everyone who has discussed the XOR Linked Tree with me over at the AC server! rewhile, nor, drdilyor, ToxicPie9. Credit to rewhile for helping me put together the C++ benchmark. Also, thanks jeroenodb for telling me about these notes

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4 months ago, # |
Rev. 2   Vote: I like it +13 Vote: I do not like it

One thing I got confused about: when you set the degree of the root to zero in the beginning, isn't the degree of the root going to be negative at the end of the algorithm? Because you mentioned after that that the entire degree list is going to be zero at the end of the algorithm.

Other than that, really cool technique and great blog!

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    4 months ago, # ^ |
    Rev. 2   Vote: I like it +38 Vote: I do not like it

    Ah yes, that's a mistake on my part. Let me fix it.

    EDIT: Done

4 months ago, # |
Rev. 2   Vote: I like it +19 Vote: I do not like it

I just sent the wrong comment.

4 months ago, # |
  Vote: I like it -18 Vote: I do not like it

So basically XOR linked Tree is just a faster solution with low memory usage, right? Does it have some advantages except no more TL and MLE, I mean the problems which you can solve only using XOR LT?

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    4 months ago, # ^ |
      Vote: I like it +28 Vote: I do not like it

    Unless a tree problem has an extreme TL and/or ML, it can of course be solved with other algorithms too.

    However, in for example a language like C where there is no vector<vector>, the XOR Linked Tree can be very convenient to use since it only requires arrays of integers.

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      4 months ago, # ^ |
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      But how would you then store a general graph in C without a vector<vector> structure?

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        4 months ago, # ^ |
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        The XOR Linked Tree data-structure is only useful for trees. I don't think there is any generalization of it for general graphs.

        For general graphs my advice would be to use Compressed Sparse Row (see the C++ benchmark above). It is really fast, relatively simple, and uses only arrays.

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          4 months ago, # ^ |
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          Here's a resource to learn about the CSR technique. It was really hard for me to find a tutorial that explains what the CSR technique is about. Anyway, thanks for the recommendation!

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            4 months ago, # ^ |
            Rev. 2   Vote: I like it +18 Vote: I do not like it

            If you want to learn CSR, I would recommend first learning about counting sort It uses the exact same prefix sum trick to avoid vector<vector> as CSR.

            In CSR, you use the prefix sum over the degrees to efficiently store the adjacency list as one contiguous array. This is fundamentally the same thing as the prefix sum of the frequency histogram used in counting sort.

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        4 months ago, # ^ |
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        well c still has malloc, so you could read edges into an edge list, compute degrees, then malloc the adjacency list for each node, then loop over edge list again and populate the adjacency list

4 months ago, # |
  Vote: I like it +10 Vote: I do not like it

I loved it. Thank you for this blog post!

4 months ago, # |
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Very nice trick. However, I would say that this representation only allows for the information to go up the tree, so is similar to the representation in which each vertex stores its parent. In a sense, in this XOR trick we are exactly computing parent by un-computing redundant leaves as we initially don't know which edge direction is towards root. In some problems, we are given this parent-based representation precisely (eg. a list of $$$n - 1$$$ numbers $$$p_i$$$ such that $$$p_i \leq i$$$ and there is an edge between $$$p_i$$$ and $$$i + 1$$$ with root = 1).

On the memory consumption: since for trees $$$|E| = O(|V|)$$$, any sensible representation would use this much memory. List representations are just less memory location friendly (time) and require additional overhead for vectors (memory).

2 months ago, # |
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May I proceed with the translation and subsequent relocation of the content to Luogu, a Chinese online judge platform? (I can't speak English well,so it use AI for translation.)

2 months ago, # |
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