ycperson's blog

By ycperson, history, 6 months ago, In English

I have been considering the concept I've tried over the last 2 days of the Daily Blog, and I've reached the conclusion that it is sort of unnecessary. I will continue to work on CP everyday of course, and for those of you who may be interested in seeing my daily progress overtime, I have been keeping a spreadsheet of problems and notes on them for many months now. I will make it publicly viewable if/when the time is right, but for now, I feel I need to work without the pressure of posting everyday and just work on my own without this nuisance (for a lack of better wording).

I just want to state that the purpose of my last few blogs was to say that sufficient work can still propel you to significant heights in CP, and I still intend to show that to the best of my ability, but of course it will take time and the work must be done in relative silence.

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