singhsupriya711's blog

By singhsupriya711, history, 6 months ago, In English
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6 months ago, # |
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try setting the datatype of integer to long long?

i don't see anything illegal here, just change from int to long long

6 months ago, # |
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This problem wants you to make the given string a 'k' copy of some random string. Suppose that random string contain a character say 'c' in it x times. So in the given string 's' it will be exactly k*x times. So first just calculate all occurrences of all characters, and check if it is perfectly divided by k or not, if it doesn't return -1 else print n copies of the string which will contain all characters 1/n times of its total.

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    6 months ago, # ^ |
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    Totally appreciate your effort! My code does that only ig,then why the test case 10 is failing I can't get that!

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      6 months ago, # ^ |
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      No you didn't do it that way. Lemme edit your code and send you. Maybe now you can understand your mistake. <3

      using namespace std;
      #define int long long
      int32_t main(){
          ios::sync_with_stdio(false); cin.tie(0);cout.tie(0);
          int n;
          string s,ans;cin>>s;
          map<char,int> mp;
          for(int i=0;i<(int)s.length();i++){
          bool t = true;
          for(auto it: mp){
          	int m = n;
          		for(auto it: mp){
          			int z = it.second/n;
          			for(int i=0; i<z; i++)