IOI 2024 is starting next week in Egypt and I will be participating again!
It is a awesome opportunity to learn about other cultures and also to trade things with competitors from other countries!
Here is what I have to offer:
*OBI is the Brazilian Olympiad in Informatics, the one that classifies to team selection contests and IOI.
*OBOI is the Brazilian Online Olympiad in Informatics, an alternative Olympiad that I created myself last year as distributed medals (I still have some left and want to maybe give/trade with some of youl
Some OBI T-shirts, last year's IOI T-shirt, last year's Brazil IOI T-shirt and OBI caps.
OBI Backpacks
OBI and OBOI Medals
Comment here what do you have to offer as a trade in this IOI, maybe we can make a lot of trades even before meeting in real life!