ymondelo20's blog

By ymondelo20, 11 years ago, In English

Dear all,

We are glad to invite you to take part in the 7th Edition of the COJ Progressive Contest (http://coj.uci.cu/contest/contestview.xhtml?cid=1365). The problems for all levels are from multiple programming contests hosted by Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira (UTP) in Colombia, which took place on 2014 (although were added some problems to levels, from several sources).

The contest duration is 7 days. The tasks are in English. The allowed programming languages are C, C++, C#, Java, Perl, PHP, Bash, Ruby, Pascal and Python. The contest will be held on the rules for progressive competitions in the COJ. If you have any question, please feel free to ask on [email protected].

You need to have an account in the Caribbean Online Judge (COJ — http://coj.uci.cu/user/createnewaccount.xhtml). You don't need to register in the contest — the registration in the contest is effective with the first submission. Follow the current standing on this URL.

The challenge is as follows: The problems are divided by difficulty levels, and in the beginning you only have access to the first level of problems. In order to gain access to the next level of problems, you must solve a specific number of problems from the current level (defined by the Contest-Setter). Not all levels require the same amount of problems and, of course, we design each level to be more challenging than the previous one.

About the ranking of the contest:

  • There will be not penalty time for rejected submissions.
  • There will be not (less or more) points by solve any problem after or before another user. Points are assigned when you solve a problem.
  • Each problem has a fixed number of points, so no matter the number of users who solved it will always worth the same.
  • The gained points are in this form: TPOINTS / (TLEVELS — PLEVEL + 1) where TPOINTS is the Total Points defined for all the problems in the contest, TLEVELS is the Total Levels defined for the contest and PLEVEL is the level of the given problem. Note that problems in the first level gives you TPOINTS / TLEVELS points, and problems on the last level gives you TPOINTS points (full points). The higher the level, the more points are gained.
  • If two users have the same points in the ranking, the user who has solved its problems before, must be in a higher rank.-

For this 7th edition of The COJ Progressive Contest we have six levels of problems, and you need to solve 4 problems from each one to pass to the next level. On the other hand, you only need to solve 25 problems in the entire contest to see all the problems in all levels. The value for TPOINTS is 60 points (for this edition).

Problems by levels:

Level 1 : 7 problems.
Level 2 : 6 problems.
Level 3 : 5 problems.
Level 4 : 5 problems.
Level 5 : 4 problems.
Level 6 : 3 problems.

Can you get to the last level?

Can you solve all the problems?

This is the real challenge for you.

Kind regards,

We hope that you enjoy it very much. Thank you and have fun!

COJ Development Team (CDEVT) & Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira (UTP)

  • Vote: I like it
  • +14
  • Vote: I do not like it

11 years ago, # |
Rev. 2   Vote: I like it +10 Vote: I do not like it

Those are Codeforces´s users of contestants who are leading the competition, and their current places:

Gold Places:

Silver Places:

Bronze Places:

Kind regards...