decoder__'s blog

By decoder__, history, 9 months ago, In English

Can anyone help solve this problem?

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9 months ago, # |
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Can anyone solve the above problem ?

9 months ago, # |
Rev. 2   Vote: I like it +4 Vote: I do not like it

Not sure if it would work but I am fairly certain.

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    9 months ago, # ^ |
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    can you explain the logic behind the solution ?

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      9 months ago, # ^ |
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      First let's assume all the intervals cover only one point, so $$$b_i = a_i+1$$$ for all intervals. We will generalize this to intervals later.

      Since they are points let's not use the arrays $$$a$$$ and $$$b$$$ and instead we will use an array $$$d$$$. A point $$$i$$$ covers $$$d_i$$$.

      Three are three properties the optimal move has:

      1. We want to move exactly k points, not less.
      2. Moving the points 2, 5, 8 would not be optimal since moving 2 doesn't affect empty interval around 5 since 3 splits them. So we would want to move points with numbers [x, x+k).
      3. If we are moving the points [x, x+k) we want to move all of them so they touch point either $$$x-1$$$ or $$$x+k$$$.

      Now we can solve the problem by trying each x. Imagine we remove all points in the interval [x, x+k), now there is an empty space of size $$$d_{x+k} - d_{x-1} - 1$$$. Let's add the points back in such that they don't split the interval (they don't violate the 3rd property), now the space is of size $$$d_{x+k} - d_{x-1} - 1 - k$$$ because we shortened the interval by k.

      Back to the original problem. The 3 properties of the optimal move is still the same. The only thing that changed is the interval get's shortened by the total of the interval lengths and not $$$k$$$. To get the sum of the lengths of the k intervals in [x, x+k) we can use prefix sums.

9 months ago, # |
  Vote: I like it +3 Vote: I do not like it

Anybody else can help, probably the solution given I'm not able to understand