Hello, Codeforces!
We are thrilled to invite you to participate in the ShellBeeHaken Presents Intra SUST Programming Contest 2024 — Replay which will be held on [contest_time:527993].
You'll be given $$$13$$$ problems and $$$5$$$ hours to solve them. The contest will follow standard ICPC rules.
The problems were authored and prepared by UshanGhosh, SajidZakaria, AlveRahman, Raiden, Knight_of_Nineteen, YouKn0wWho,nh_nayeem, Alfeh, ammelid and MNnazrul.
We tried to create engaging problems with compact statements. Hopefully, the participants, with a rating of less than $$$2100$$$, will find the problems interesting. Shoutout to our sponsor ShellBeeHaken for collaborating with us to make the flagship contest of SUST a success.
UPD: The registration is open now. You can register here.
Editorial is out now.
Congratulations to the winners.
Place | Participant | Problem solved | = |
1 | aryak05, AnAverageElectrician, nandhagk1729 | 12 | 1093 |
2 | Krypto_Ray, _gyrFalcon_, Coder_Nayak | 10 | 920 |
3 | shobyy, ShreyHehe, Shashwat_skr | 10 | 1003 |
4 | fahimcp495, amirhozaifa | 10 | 1129 |
5 | serialcomder | 10 | 1241 |
Khela hobe
Individual or team?
You can do both.
Team preferred as it's a 5 hour contest.
Where should I register ?
The registration will open 6 hours before the contest starts. You can register using the url in the contest name, or check the UPD.
Thanks a lot
How to become purple.It feels so hard.
You'll go there, keep pushing.
As a tester, I can assure you that the problems are indeed interesting and challenging. Happy coding!
Excited to know which problems were authored by YouKn0wWho
The idea of problem A. Monke's Favourite Function was a combined effort from YouKn0wWho, Raiden and me.
Enjoyed the contest. Will there be any editorial?
Yes, we will publish the editorial as soon as possible.
Will editorial be provided for the contest ??
Yes, we'll try to post it soon.
Atleast reveal the test cases
...Editorial pls ;_;.....
From the given array you can create an array b where b[i] is the number of problems solved in i-th day.
Then just find the maximum length sub-array where all b[i] > 0
got it man tnx :D
You can create the array B number of problems solved on each day
B[0]=a[0], for (i<k) b[i]=a[i]-a[i-1] and for rest b[i]=a[i]+b[i-k]-a[i-1] (since a[i] stores data of last k days only)
thanks for explain briefly explanation:]
Will we get any editorial for the contest? Overall, nice problemset!
We'll post the editorial by tomorrow.
can not view others submission after AC.
UPD: Now you can.
It's too challenging for me to solve.
The Editorial is published now. You can take hints to solve the problems.
thanks a lot