Hello, Codeforces!
We are happy to invite you to TheForces Round #30 (Good-Forces), which will take place on Apr/28/2024 17:35 (Moscow time)
You will have 150 minutes to solve 7 problems.
The round is TheForces rated! After the round you can find your rating changes here.
Prizes: the participant in the $$$i$$$th place will receive $$$2^{3-i}$$$ dollars $$$(1 \leq i \leq 3)$$$ as a prize. In addition, we will randomly select $$$\lfloor \frac{p}{30} \rfloor$$$ lucky participants and give each of them $$$1$$$ dollar as a prize, where $$$p$$$ is the number of participants. Please actively participate :)
For more details about TheForces Prize, read the above spoiler and join TheForces!
All the problems are authored by Yugandhar_Master.
We would like to thank our army of testers: physics0523, Krabbypatty, synthborne, vrangr, tfgs, CatFirstSearch, DenimFlame12, beleir101, md_nihal, assassin__cr, lauhemahfus, larush, vrangr.
Also we want to thank You for participating in our round.
Discord Server (2200+ members)
Congratulations to the winners:
(ksun48 orz for getting the only AK!)
And $$$3$$$ lucky participants:
(Pls DM wuhudsm in CF or Discord for your prize :) )
1st good comment
very very excited to give contest
As a tester, I can assure the contest is going to be fun !!
As a tester, I can approve ur statement.
As a tester, I can assure you that all the problems are interesting.
have you any sponsors?
Yes, our budget, lol
Actually no but we'd be really happy to have one.
As a tester, I had lots of fun while testing the contest.
Registration is open, do participate! Have fun:)
Yet another TheForces round, I'll be back to problem setting 2 months later, wait for Amir_Parsa's problems ;)