We (AIpha_Q and Knightshade) cordially invite you to take part in the contest "Replay of Intra PSTU Independence Day Programming Contest — 2024"
Will take place on [contest_time:517247]
You will be offered 7 Problems and 2 hours 15 minutes to solve them, with one problem divided into two subtasks. The problem set was created for users with a rating range from 0 to 1600. But we encourage everyone to participate!
We would also like to thank:
- RiBNAT, V.A.V, negativeDelta, mH4S4N, Ahad, grazier and RD_TheCoder for testing the round and providing valuable feedback.
- You for participating!
Problems are not sorted by difficulty order. It is recommended to read all problems.
Good luck! see you on the scoreboard.
UPD: Contest Finished! Congratulations to the winners.
Top 5:
I will try to participate from BAU :)
Welcome! See you on the scoreboard.
Thanks Authors For the exciting round!!
As a Tester,
I hope you will enjoy the problemset just as I did.
As a writer hope everyone enjoy the problems!
Thanks Setters & Testers
thanks I will try!
will it available in gym after the contest end?
yes, but it won't be public. you have to use the link to access