It seems mabloly so pro, but I wonder why dropped from master to spacialist? Very huge drop, is he cheater? or what lead to this? Please, share with us. Madboly like you previously got RK 15 on a div2 round 889. Why do you also hate Russia that much ? Last screenshot.
Regarding this "fake coach" thing and famous place in Egypt,
I'd like to put a last comment for a grandmaster , RetiredAmrMahmoud on ACPC_Corruption blog regarding the CRAZY FEES academy gholyo tried to mention, thanks bro, you opened on them a new gate of fire
Concerning this cheater, Madboly = atcoder_merchant = tickbird = Wegz-Saleny = JusticeForUs = logical_conclusion = optimal_solution = Pisslam1 = Pisslam2 = Pisslam5 = IslamicTERRORIST71 = islamicTerrorist69
He is even impolite and insulted a Russian user, 34z12000 who just speculated he might be cheating!
Also, down below in the comments , a proof that the cheater had all those provocating alts mentioned above :o !
Why would he insult his own religion
Those comments had been deleted, idk why, but a screenshot is in link below.
Seems a fake report by the cheater's friends.
Why dont y'all just ignore them?
He kept mentioning me yesterday and insulting via his 32000deadLOL, which is apparent in this Such a thug and shameless cheater
So as per his word, that's a retaliation. I just wanna leave those blogs as evidence of much corruption by those people, and then nothing more.
This epic fun doesn't deserve to be hidden from recent blogs/comments.
I like how the comments are from freshly made accounts arguing with each other
why you really care about him, are you his father or son?
Get a life
Thug mabloly -> Heap and bajelega are so spicy
Mabloly says via one of his cheap temps
Is it a coincidence that all those cheap temp accs bajalega_is_a_cuck , politicallyincorrect , Heap_OverFlow_is_a_pussy , logical_conclusion attack any blog that mentions the cheater? and aren't related at all! lol. The comments by is_a_cuck includes direct threat! And most probably the cheater had his tempers boiling doing a stupid act
So you confess all those alts even bots are yours, infidel. Nice!
And his comments aren't even clever, his dumbass can't see the difference between trolling and simple insulting