-is-this-fft-'s blog

By -is-this-fft-, history, 11 months ago, In English

Hi all.

Osijek camp will be returning again in the summer of 2024. We are looking for problemsetters.

To apply, contact us at ocpc (at) mathos (dot) hr or contact me (-is-this-fft-) or adamant directly. Specific compensation might depend on how successful we are with sponsors and participation fees. As a reference point, last time, we offered 2000€ per contest, plus an additional bonus for authors who conducted analysis sessions onsite for their own contests. Note that the compensation might be subject to some taxation.

You don't need to have enough ideas for a full problemset yet, but you should have a somewhat good idea of what your contest is going to be, i.e. you should have at least 6-7 problem ideas already. The most important criterion for us is whether your contest fits the camp in terms of style and difficulty. The camp is aimed at the highest level of competition, thus the difficulty should be comparable or harder than typical ICPC regional contests. However, it is good if the difficulty distribution between problems is spread out: do not hesitate to add a few very easy or super-hard problems.

It is also possible to suggest individual problems, but we'll likely consider those with a lower priority.

Also, we welcome proposals of unconventional or unusual problems and contests (such as the Run Twice contest in Universal Cup). Camps are a good opportunity to showcase problems that can't be included in an "official" contest for one reason or another. Of course, not every contest can be like this as that would defeat the purpose of a training camp. However, having one or two such contests has proven popular with participants.

Can I propose a contest if I am also a camp participant?

Yes, and in fact, we encourage you to. If you are a camp participant and prepare a contest, your team will not participate on that day, but will otherwise take part in the camp normally. We will also charge no admission fee from your team if you author a contest.

What if I have some interesting ideas, but no time to prepare them?

It's best if you can find a co-author for your contest, who may help you with preparation. You may also reach to reach out to us, we can discuss some options. Please note that since a significant part of the work involved in authoring a contest is preparing the tests, the compensation might be reduced for such proposals.

Can I re-use problems or contests that appeared somewhere else before?

Generally, we prefer problems that are original, or have very little public exposure. In principle, we can still consider your contest if it has some problems from low profile local or private competitions that already happened, but we would need to minimize the possibility that our participants were exposed to them. We might also reduce the compensation for the contest, if you already was compensated for it before.

Can I re-use the problems after I used them in the camp?

We recognize that it is natural for an author to desire for greater exposure for their problems, and we believe that it is a nice thing to give back to the community by making the contests more accessible. As such, we do not want to restrict you from re-using or publishing your problems after the camp has concluded.

However, based on the feedback from previous camps, we will have a "silence period" after the camp, during which camp materials won't be released to the public. Thus, we ask you to refrain from publishing the problems at least until a few months after the camp. We will set a specific date later.

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