Блог пользователя Temirulan

Автор Temirulan, 11 лет назад, По-английски

Hello Everybody, I have a question. How do you train to improve your problem solving skills? Which problem archives are you solving? About me: I solve problems from lightoj to improve my skills from determined topic and I love solve from codeforces gyms.

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I'd like to hear some advice by Russians and Chinese coders, since they're clearly the top rated and being red in one of those countries seems normal.

11 лет назад, # |
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Some of them are :

  1. Codeforces :)

  2. USACO

  3. SPOJ, POJ, COJ, etc...

I think you should start with usaco. In usaco you can learn about algorithms and data structures. Then try to solve problems of UVA. There are many good problems in UVA to challenge yourself. Start from easy problems and then harder problems. If you see you are better than now go to other sites and solve more and more problems :)