Why in codeforces we cant see the failed testcases? If the test case no is large for ex (failed on test 1023). Their should be an option to download the text case. It can save a lot of time and efforts . Also large cases when n(array size)>=100 their should be an option to download the test case.
Then how will we learn the art of debugging?
In the contest my friend or practce virtual contest if u want to learn the art of debugging. But please let us practice with easy and let us save our mental energy.
But if you'd easily get testcases during practice, you would suffer a lot during contests. And the more we use our brain, ithe more it sharpens.
U are absolutely right. But look at the cost it causes a lot of time and effort and overall ur logic is correct .Only but u are just missing some case which u can easily see and fix instead of again puting time and efforts. In which u can solve a new question.
I think we should learn to debug,and cf is a lot better then atcoder.
Its not code forces job to make you learn a good practice habit. They are just lazy and withholding for no reason, if atcoder can do it, so can they! Give people their test cases!