Qingyu's blog

By Qingyu, 12 months ago, In English

Hello everyone!

We are thrilled to invite you to The 2nd Universal Cup, Stage 23: Shanghai, taking place on February 17th, 2024.

This stage is based on The 2023 ICPC Asia East Continent Final Contest, which is the last contest in the Asia EC Region in this season. 280 official teams participated in the onsite contest competed for the last WF slots of the season.

I would like to thank all task writers for their efforts on preparing the contest. They are dXqwq, jqdai0815, Kubic, littlelittlehorse, MagicalFlower, Qingyu, QuietBeautifulThoughts, unputdownable, and xyz2606.

Also a big thank you to all the people who tested the contest and gave their valuable advice: __ZMF__, antontrygubO_o, chenjb, cmll02, dXqwq, gisp_zjz, heno239, hyforces, JianfengZhu, Lynkcat, noshi91, oipotato, orzdevinwang, potato167, emptyhope, Qiulyqwq, RedreamMer, heuristica, Roundgod, Subconscious, tatyam, TLE, and zhaohiakun.

We are looking forward to your participation!

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