Блог пользователя shashank21j

Автор shashank21j, 11 лет назад, По-английски

Hello Coders!

The May edition of 101 Hack is here. This time we have 5 interesting challenges lined up for you. The contest commences on 31st May 4:45 PM UTC, and will run for 2 hours. You can sign up for the contest here.

The problem statements will be available in English, Russian and Chinese.
Top 10 on leaderboard get cool HackerRank T Shirts

Problem Setters

Problem Tester


Top 3 Winners
1. Egor
2. uwi
3. anta
Congrats :)

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11 лет назад, # |
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Google CodeJam Round 2 ends at 1630 UTC, and 101 Hack May starts then.
what a few hours it's gonna be! :)

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    11 лет назад, # ^ |
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    This whole weekend has been such Tc yesterday, CF then 101 :D

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    11 лет назад, # ^ |
    Rev. 2   Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

    I e-mailed to HackerRank about that like a month ago. No response, no changes. I think that they should at least try to align online rounds with other major competitions. If they were a little bit more conscious, they would probably move it by at least half an hour — you know, to get some snacks and to visit restroom.

    Sorry, I know, real hackers don't go to restrooms :)

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      11 лет назад, # ^ |
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      At least they don't overlap... Like 101 Hack March and TC SRM 614. That is already an improvement)

      4.5 hours of contests in a row... Less than standard ACM-contest, not so bad) And a chance to win 2 t-shirts in 1 day)

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        11 лет назад, # ^ |
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        I know. I already decided not to participate in 101 — but I have to juggle family and kids too, and this is Saturday morning for me — one of the busiest times of the week.

        Good luck with winning 2 t-shirts :).

        I will try the same with GCJ and RCC (do I remember correctly that they send them to those who qualified?).

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          11 лет назад, # ^ |
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          • GCJ — #73
          • 101 Hack May — #9

          Achievement unlocked:)

          Yes, in RCC they are giving t-shirts to top-200 in every round (so this year it means 800 t-shirts, seems to be the easiest way to get such prize among all online-competitions).

          Good luck tomorrow!

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            11 лет назад, # ^ |
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            I finished somewhere around 2400 in GCJ. Yes, looking at editorial I could possibly do better, but this result is reasonably consisted with my ratings both here and at TC, so it is nothing of an unexpected.

            This time I am taking it seriously — previous two years I studied like crazy at Coursera and eDx, spending 3-5 hours a day at different courses. Now I am tired of courses, while competitive programming is becoming increasingly more interesting for me. So I am going to spend at least 3 hours a day for a year competing and training. Let's see if it works :).

            Regarding RCC — for me it's like a running joke this year. First round I tried to do with Python and almost got it — was 200 + a little. Next round I did with C++, but couldn't wake up in time. I think I could get it if I started on time, but again — 200 + a little. Third round — 300 + a little. :) Will I get it finally tomorrow? :).

            So my timetable now — 8:00pm Yandex algorithms, 4:00am — RCC 4th QR, 8:00am — Codeforces 250. No normal sleep today.

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      11 лет назад, # ^ |
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      zholnin can you message me your id so I can look up your email.

      I would like to add a fact here that all 101 Hacks are held on the last saturday of a month and at 4:30PM UTC. I do agree that overlaps are really bad.

      Right now from contest calendar I can track SRMs and Codechef contest for june but not Codeforces. If on a later date such an overlap happens changing the time will be really bad for us.

      Just sharing my views. Also if the community feels I can delay 101 May by 15 minutes for restroom breaks. :)

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        11 лет назад, # ^ |
        Rev. 2   Проголосовать: нравится +8 Проголосовать: не нравится

        Shane, I know that it is impossible to always arrange everything without overlaps, but specifically to GCJ:

        a) it is very popular (45,000 in QR), 3,000 best of those in R2. Compare average CF round or SRM with a few thousand participants. b) they publish schedule like 3 month in advance. So it is not difficult to plan ahead. c) this is annual competition — not like SRM.

        So of course nobody could be expected to avoid overlap with every single other competition, but major annual competitions I thing should be avoided.

        I don't need this break, but I think there can be at least 1,000 people who would like to have 5 minutes break without losing any time in 101 Hacks competition ;)

        Regarding my message — the only method I found to reach any administration in Hacker Rank was through "Request feature" link. I requested it some time around May 10th. If there is more proper way to contact administration there — sorry, I honestly put in reasonable efforts to find it — had no luck ;)

        Yes — my id at hackerrank is the same — zholnin

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          11 лет назад, # ^ |
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          As far as the feature mail is concerned somehow there is none from your id.

          Anyways, I accept the mistake on our part and I have updated time to 4:45 PM UTC.


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            11 лет назад, # ^ |
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            It seems the website doesn't display normally on my chrome browser especailly icons.

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              11 лет назад, # ^ |
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              should not be the case, website loads well here Can you please email a screenshot to either me-> shashank[at]hackerrank[dot]com

              or hackers[at]hackerrank[dot]com

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            11 лет назад, # ^ |
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            shashank21j, we are the ones who need to thank you for updating the time.
            so thanks :)

11 лет назад, # |
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In Indian time, GCJ starts at 7:30 PM, ends at 10 PM. Thank you, now that you changed the time I can have dinner at 10 PM.