My current rating is ~750
My goal is to reach 1200 by the end of Jan/Feb, I don't know how I should practice on CF and what topics I need to study and practice to reach 1200.
I'm not looking for any shortcuts, I want to grow steadily while having good foundations in CP. I want to know the resources/practice-problems/approaches that helped you to reach 1200 from a total beginner.
Thanks a lot.
You did 8 contests. How would you even know that your rating is fluctuating?
Your profile lists only 60 solved problems. That's how many exercises the average student solves the week before a midterm exam in university. Just solve more problems. It doesn't even matter what they are as long as you can solve them in a few hours or less. (If this seems impossible, solve easier problems and retry the harder ones in a few weeks)
Nothing special is required at this level....Just train your mind by solving 800-1000 rated problems as much as you can...Once you are comfortable with this then plan for learning something new....Like binary search, basic DP, sieve, dfs, bfs, etc.
All the best for your journey !
Learn binary search once you think you have command over prefix sum, suffix sum, two pointer, sliding window, etc. Binary search not only includes low and high variable, it also includes STL methods like lower bound and upper bound. You should be proficient to use this whenever needed. All the best. Stay consistent. Give virtual contests of Div3.
thanks a lot, bro, these are really helpful tips. You're awesome
I became specialist soon after reading these three blogs. Maybe it will work for you as well.
No don't read those. They are useless for reaching specialist. You should focus on basic approaches instead.
pupil is piece of cake i did in 3 months i had no prior cp knowledge i practiced a bit but what helped me is doing so many contests
thanks bro, I'm more motivated now
good luck in your journey the most important is to never give up since Advice: Learn Stl very useful