Recently I have read about the Edmonds-Karp algorithm and the solution to the flows with demands problem. Thus, I come up with the following problem but haven't found a solution yet:
Given a directed graph G(V, E) including a source s (no incoming edge) and a sink t (no outgoing edge). Each edge e in E consists of 3 attributes: l(e), u(e), w(e). Find a flow f from s to t such that l(e) <= f(e) <= u(e) for all edges e in E and the sum of w(e)f(e) is maximized?
You can just google the title of your blog and the first result should be the one you need.
Thanks! I'm diving into it.
Looking at the stuff you already covered, i think you should be able to modify the "flow with demands" in such a way that it solves "mincost flow with demands"