Hello, Codeforces community!
I would like to congratulate all the teams that have qualified for ACPC2023. I'm thrilled to meet and compete with all of you in this year's competition.
Since we're approximately a month away from the event, I believe it's a good idea to get to know the participating teams and assess their current levels. It's also a great idea to add them as friends to compete against them virtually in gyms.
If you qualified for this year's competition Please comment the following information and I'll update the blog as soon as possible. ( I will make a separate table for teens)
Team name
Team handles(separated by spaces)
I will add the team rating about a week before the competition as there might be some new grandmasters by then :)
Finally, "Welcome to ACPC"
And good luck to all the teams!
ACPC Teams
# | Country | University | Team name | Team members |
1 | Syria | Aleppo University | why are you grey | purp4ever FzArK MaherSefo |
2 | Syria | SVU(Syrian Virtual University) | Proven by AC | AmmarDab3an ahmad_alghadban The_Hallak |
3 | Syria | WPU(Al-Wataniya Private University) | De-Buggers | radi__07 Assem_albitar sr3q_mk |
4 | Syria | Aleppo University | Smurfs | BlueBlisteringBarnacles MOUFLESS ZaiBug |
5 | Syria | Al-Baath University | Forca da fieno Corallo ferro a San Giovanni front Yannick contro forni forno accoppato licenziano perché telefonato | IGM_NEXT_YEAR AboAbdoMC FUNFUNFUNFUNFUNFUNFUNFUN |
6 | Syria | Al-Baath University | Hugs for my Bugs | Arturo Magician_Mathematician1 HazemDalati |
7 | Syria | Damascus University | Yaman_Alwaza OmarAlzakout Khaled_Mardini | |
8 | Egypt | Cairo University | Fsociety | 3abqreno abotaha23 ahmedibrahim |
9 | Tunisia | INSAT(national institute of applied sciences and technologies) | Automorphisme | Kill_PFE Mahmoud_111 get_ducked |
10 | Egypt | Suez Canal University | Ab3tlo Clarification, Myrodsh | 7oSkaaa MiinaMagdy aboelsoudJr |
11 | Egypt | Cairo University | El Teeran El Hayga | Gamal74 Drakkon Rokba |
12 | Egypt | Cairo University | Tamer Momen bellah w ana Adham | Mysterious109 momen159 Tamora |
13 | Egypt | Cairo University | Sahla bas Sa7la | Bekh Sisy Ahmed_Salah7 |
14 | Egypt | Al-Azhar University | Rosetta | MuhammadHassan maghrabyJr_ MaGnsi0 |
15 | Egypt | Nile University | Teto, Khaled, Hammoda | Adhoom_El3almy Taha ~{Moh.Khaled} |
16 | Egypt | Nile University | Sa3edy Fel NU | moadel2002 Hassouna_ HossamHamza0_0 |
17 | Egypt | Cairo University | 4gr manga 7gr | Hagry Gondozu Dola_ |
18 | Egypt | Minia University | Shbab Zy Alfakha Bs El-Judge Hackha | Amrharb Eslam.Taha AbdulazizMohamed |
19 | Egypt | El-Shorouk Academy | El Sharqya Lldokhan | Abdelaleem_Ahmed NourElleithy Ahmed_Ghazal |
20 | Egypt | El-Shorouk Academy | O(7aba 7elween) | Beta_3 Youssif_Hassan Masked_Predator |
21 | Egypt | Zagazig University | We judge the judges | Eslam_Ahmed ZyadFva Ayman_khaled |
22 | Egypt | Zagazig University | Threads of hope | MuhammadSawalhy 0xEmadeddin Mohamed_Hamed |
23 | Egypt | Cairo University | Duck My Kofta | Bebo Salah2Eddin wa7eedd |
24 | Syria | HIAST | lightning storm | Mahmoud_Haddad LastDance_NotLastOfMe Geo_Ghaffar |
25 | Egypt | Assiut University | We Are Groot | MahmoudAshour NourhanHanna Abo_Samrah |
26 | Egypt | Faculty of Engineering at Shoubra | K % H <3 | Hawara MOD-Essam Khaled-Ramadan |
27 | Egypt | Faculty of Engineering at Shoubra | As3b team f masr | SayedHassan Mahmoud-Atia AmrMohameD |
28 | Egypt | Luxor University | Kfaia yasta .. akher wrong wallahi | AhmedYahia Hitham Y0ussef |
29 | Egypt | Luxor University | Dragons Infinity XOR | El-Gelany AboNageh Khalell |
30 | Egypt | Cairo University | CodeOfThrones | AhmedYehia32 K_sakkary NourEldinAhmed |
31 | Egypt | The German University in Cairo | One Last Dance | Hemose ZerooCool YahiaSherif |
32 | Egypt | The German University in Cairo | Akiramenai | Mohamed308 Omar_Mohammad Nour |
33 | Egypt | The German University in Cairo | Few Nits | Ahmed_Hosssam KhadijaBadrawy Okhair |
34 | Tunisia | ISI | eBsilong | SMIrrichto tayeb_jaaba MapleLeafLover |
35 | Egypt | Arab Open University Egypt | 3al icpc 3ala tol | OmarWae1 sobhy__salem Abdalla |
36 | Lebanon | American University of Beirut | Brokies | jabbour.ralph brokie mhmdshakerr |
37 | Lebanon | American University of Beirut | charisma limit exceeded | AliFarhat ahmadelhajj Pepe_Roni |
38 | Egypt | Helwan university | Binary indexed three | TANJIR0U Daddy_Baty Carrottt |
39 | Egypt | Helwan university | Hisenbergs | HitmanX97 Zaoldyeck Amr-Fahmy |
40 | Egypt | Alexandria University | 3agamesta++ | michaelmonir Ahmed__Hassan faris00007 |
41 | Lebanon | Lebanese University | theDefunctors | mnasser02 ALnQ417 nawalhaidar |
42 | Syria | SVU | Bit Bandits | SAEED. Alyo IssamOtoz |
43 | Egypt | Faculty of Engineering Ain Shams University | cats Fanclub | MohammadDallash Thinkronized mazen228 |
44 | Egypt | Menofia University | X coders | Sersawy Mousa -Ahmed_-_Elsayed- |
45 | Syria | Tishreen University | Underagat | Guess.Who Eliaster Helal_Salloum |
46 | Syria | Damascus University | Da3eeef | Abdulrahman27 Greedious TiredRetiredThread |
47 | Syria | AUST (Arab Private University for Science and Technology) | The pupil meteor Coming to Paris | _kiyotaka_ Savitar- torest. |
48 | Egypt | Fayoum University | Big OwO(N) | Moatazoleq Sherif _heisenberg |
49 | Egypt | Assiut University | Kill Regret | AbdoSa3d Mohamed_Reda Ahmed__Khalil |
50 | Egypt | Tanta University | Fe accept wla 1000 w arg3 tany | guess_who Mohamed-Mosalm MahmoudElboraiy |
51 | Egypt | AAST Cairo | Last Dance | Omar_FouadV2 _HossamYehia_ Shahat |
52 | Egypt | Modern Academy CS | Africia Ya Modern from Egypt | 3zim Haithom IImad |
53 | Egypt | Damnhour University | Ehbedha W Ed3i Tgebha | abdelhadymohamed Devo Sherif804 |
54 | Egypt | Al-Azhar University | I did my best and God did the rest | Ahmad-Magdy AKAYOJI MongyTrad |
# | Country | Team name | Team members |
1 | Syria | Z_Ammar | NeroZein ammar2000 |
2 | Egypt | Fady Bokra? | Bakry fadi__ |
3 | Tunisia | #define CLE | amineriwa MarwenElarbi |
4 | Egypt | WE abl 2y 7ad | zordeno SirPh |
5 | Egypt | EOI-3madoo | Amadoo 3mara |
6 | Egypt | EOI-Doctohandes | Amremad719 MN3M |
7 | Egypt | Beware of the Acers | Octagons Youssif_Elkadi |
8 | Egypt | DP Dragons | Ahmed57 Adam.Aly |
9 | Egypt | EOI — Att-AC-k On Balloons | NourWaelAli MohammadAbduljalil |
10 | Egypt | 4 mice at 3 am | yahia ahmedfouadnew |
Auto comment: topic has been updated by purp4ever (previous revision, new revision, compare).
Syria / SVU / Proven by AC / AmmarDab3an ahmad_alghadban The_Hallak
Syria / Aleppo University / Smurfs / BlueBlisteringBarnacles MOUFLESS ZaiBug
Al-Baath University
Second Team: Arturo Magician_Mathematician1 HazemDalati
Why no team names, team names are one of the most fun things we have in ACPC.
To leave it as a surprise for the contest ;)
I don't want to spoil them since I know some of them are pretty cool( yours included :3 ). But I can add them after the competition.
Thanks for the compliment, also Your team name is... creative ;)
you did't put the names because of your team name
NeroZein ammar2000
We thought to find this name more than we did in the contest :)
Syria / Damascus University / Ziftawi Theorem / Yaman_Alwaza — OmarAlzakout — Khaled_Mardini
what are the registration fees this year?
60,000 Egyptian pounds which is around 1500 USD if you trade it in the black market
happy to be indian in this case :)
Syria / WPU / De-Buggers / Assem_albitar sr3q_mk radi__07
Country: Egypt
Competition: ACPC Teens
Team name: Fady Bokra?
Members: Bakry fadi__
I think everyone else should mention their team names. It doesn't make sense to wait until after the competition to find out who's on each team. Knowing only the university isn't good enough because many teams can be from the same university. Honestly, the whole point of these team blogs is to see the team names and their members so we can follow them on the scoreboard. Without that, this blog seems pointless.
EGYPT/ Cairo University
team name: Fsociety
3abqreno abotaha23 ahmedibrahim
I've just updated the blog to include Team names so feel free to include them in your comments.
are you sure ?
Well then plz add our team name, it's:"Forca da fieno Corallo ferro a San Giovanni front Yannick contro forni forno accoppato licenziano perché telefonato"
INSAT(national institute of applied sciences and technologies)
Automorphisme : Kill_PFE Mahmoud_111 get_ducked
Acpc teens
Team name : #define CLE
Members : amineriwa , MarwenElarbi
Team Name: Ab3tlo Clarification, Myrodsh
Members: 7oSkaaa MiinaMagdy aboelsoudJr
Country: Egypt
University: Suez Canal University
Egypt / Cairo University / El Teeran El Hayga / Gamal74 — Drakkon — Rokba
Egypt / Cairo University / Tamer Momen bellah w ana Adham / Mysterious109 — momen159 — Tamora
Egypt / Cairo University / Sahla bas Sa7la / Bekh — Sisy — Ahmed_Salah7
Egypt / Al-Azhar University / Rosetta / MuhammadHassan — maghrabyJr_ — MaGnsi0
Nile University
First Team:
Team Name: Teto, Khaled, Hammoda
Team Members: Adhoom_El3almy , Taha , ~{Moh.Khaled}
Team Name: Sa3edy Fel NU
Team Members: moadel2002 , Hassouna_ , HossamHamza0_0
Egypt / Cairo University / 4gr manga 7gr / Hagry — Gondozu — Dola_
Egypt Minia University
team name: Shbab Zy Alfakha Bs El-Judge Hackha
Amrharb Eslam.Taha AbdulazizMohamed
Egypt / El-Shorouk Academy :
El Sharqya Lldokhan:
Abdelaleem_Ahmed / NourElleithy / Ahmed_Ghazal
O(7aba 7elween):
Beta_3 / Youssif_Hassan / Masked_Predator
Zagazig University
We judge the judges
Eslam_Ahmed ZyadFva Ayman_khaled
Country: Egypt
University: Zagazig University
Team: Threads of hope
MuhammadSawalhy, 0xEmadeddin, Mohamed_Hamed
Egypt / Cairo University / Duck My Kofta / Bebo — Salah2Eddin — wa7eedd
Syria — HIAST — lightning storm — Mahmoud_Haddad LastDance_NotLastOfMe Geo_Ghaffar
Assiut University
We Are Groot
MahmoudAshour NourhanHanna Abo_Samrah
Country: Egypt
Competition: Acpc teens
Team Name: WE abl 2y 7ad
Members: zordeno, SirPh
Country: Egypt
Competition: ACPC Teens
Team Name: EOI-3madoo
Team Members: 3mara and pro Amadoo
Country : Egypt
Competition : ACPC teens
Team name: EOI-Doctohandes
Team members: MN3M, Amremad719.
Country: Egypt
Competition: ACPC Teens
Team name: Beware of the Acers
Team members: Octagons and Youssif_Elkadi
Why there is no team from Morocco?
Egypt — Faculty of Engineering at Shoubra — K % H <3 (Hawara MOD-Essam Khaled-Ramadan)
Egypt — Faculty of Engineering at Shoubra — As3b team f masr (SayedHassan Mahmoud-Atia AmrMohameD)
If applicable, I think it would be a good idea to sort the teams by the summation or the average of the team members' ratings
Egypt/Luxor University
Team Name: Kfaia yasta .. akher wrong wallahi
AhmedYahia Hitham Y0ussef
Country: Egypt
Competition: ACPC Teens
Team name: DP Dragons
Team members: Ahmed57 , Adam.Aly
Country : Egypt
University : Luxor University
Team Name : Dragons Infinity XOR
Team Handles : El-Gelany, AboNageh, Khalell
Egypt/ Cairo University/CodeOfThrones/ K_sakkary AhmedYehia32 NourEldinAhmed
Country : Egypt
University : The German University in Cairo
One Last Dance: Hemose, ZerooCool, YahiaSherif
Akiramenai: Mohamed308, Omar_Mohammad, Nour
Few Nits: Ahmed_Hosssam, Okhair, KhadijaBadrawy
Tunisia / ISI / eBsilong / SMIrrichto tayeb_jaaba MapleLeafLover
Lebanon/American University of Beirut
Team Name: Brokies
jabbour.ralph brokie mhmdshakerr
Lebanon/ american university of beirut / charisma limit exceeded /AliFarhat / ahmadelhajj /Pepe_Roni
Egypt / Helwan university / Binary indexed three
TANJIR0U — Daddy_Baty — Carrottt
EGYPT/ Helwan University
team name: Hisenbergs
HitmanX97 Zaoldyeck Amr-Fahmy
Alexandria University
team name: 3agamesta++
team Members: michaelmonir Ahmed__Hassan faris00007
Lebanon / Lebanese University / theDefunctors / mnasser02 ALnQ417 nawalhaidar
Syria / SVU / Bit Bandits / SAEED. Alyo IssamOtoz.
Faculty of Engineering Ain Shams University
cats Fanclub
MohammadDallash Thinkronized mazen228
Country: Egypt
University: Menofia University
Team: X coders
Members: Sersawy, Mousa, -Ahmed_-_Elsayed-
Team: Underagat — Tishreen University
Guess.Who Eliaster Helal_Salloum
Country: Egypt
Competition: ACPC Teens
Team name: EOI — Att-AC-k On Balloons
Members: MohammadAbduljalil NourWaelAli
Syria Damascus University Da3eeef Greedious Abdulrahman27 TiredRetiredThread
("Da3eeef" means "very Strong" for non-Arabic people)
Syria/ AUST (Arab Private University for Science and Technology) / The pupil meteor Coming to Paris / Savitar- torest. _kiyotaka_
Country: Egypt
University: Fayoum University
Team name: Big OwO(N)
Team handles: Moatazoleq Sherif _heisenberg
Egypt / Assiut University
Kill Regret
AbdoSa3d Mohamed_Reda Ahmed__Khalil
Tanta University
Fe accept wla 1000 w arg3 tany
guess_who Mohamed-Mosalm MahmoudElboraiy
Sorry for being too late but you know better than not coming :v
From: Modern Academy CS
Team name: Africia Ya Modern from Egypt
Team members:
1- Mahmoud Abdelazim 3zim
2- Haitham Mohamed Haithom
3- Emad Mahfouz IImad
Country: Egypt
Competition: Acpc teens
Team Name: 4 mice at 3 am
Members: yahia ahmedfouadnew
Sorry for being late,
Country: Egypt
University: Cairo University
Team name: 2ofta
Members: KareemMAX dovaster Flashaaa
Country: Egypt / Damnhour University
Competition: ACPC
Team Name: Ehbedha W Ed3i Tgebha
Members: Devo, Sherif804, abdelhadymohamed
Egypt / Al-Azhar University / I did my best and God did the rest / AKAYOJI — Ahmad-Magdy — MongyTrad
Country: Qatar
University: Carnegie Mellon University in Qatar
Team Name: Andrey+2
Handles: Evilandrew, Inverseit, Guleke
It was a nice competition, we hope to see you again in 2024. congrats to you all!