chief_27's blog

By chief_27, history, 17 months ago, In English

Hello Codeforces Community,

I have recently turned expert in the previous educational round. And now seek advice on how to conquer the next step — Turning Purple

I have solved lots of questions in the 1400 to 1500 range which helped me in consistently solving A B and C in almost every Div 2 contest. Whenever i attempt a 1700 — 1800 problem it seems way too difficult from what i have previously solved.

Are there some advanced algorithms or concepts i need to learn before practicing to conquer the next step ? Or spamming practice is the answer ?

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17 months ago, # |
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Hi. Graph and DP appear in such difficulties so learning them is good. Also these difficulties will seem impossible at first, so try to come up with as much ideas as you can, maybe read some hint/editorial if it takes too long?

10 months ago, # |
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how you choose problem for solving rating 1400-1500 . what was the strategy ? brother, would you mind to shear!!