kshitij_sodani's blog

By kshitij_sodani, 18 months ago, In English

Hi Everyone,

We are excited to announce that we will be having the following sessions on Algoplanet:

1) Square root decomposition and related problem solving by maomao90 on 22nd September(12pm UTC/5.30pm IST)

2) I will be taking a session on game theory(nim game,grundy numbers and the sprague grundy thereom) and related problem solving at 12.30pm UTC/6pm IST on 25th.Will also be covering proofs of the same.

3) Binary lifting,Lowest Common Ancestor and related problem solving by PoPularPlusPlus on 29th at 3pm UTC/8.30pm IST

You can get more information by joining the discord server by just filling this form (800+ members)

Recording will also be uploaded to the algoplanet youtube channel

Update:timing of class on 25th has been changed due to the CF contest.The class on 28th is also shifted to 29th

Part-1 of Square root Decomposition has been uploaded to youtube here

Part 2 and 3 will be uploaded soon.

Update 2 Square Root Decomposition Part-2 and Part-3

Advanced Game Theory

Introduction to Binary Lifting and Lowest Common Ancestor

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18 months ago, # |
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Wooo go maomao90