Hello, Codeforces! 😍😍
We are happy to invite you to participate in COMPFEST 15 Preliminary Online Mirror (Unrated, ICPC Rules, Teams Preferred) on . COMPFEST is a national ICPC-style contest for university students in Indonesia.
The problems are written and prepared by ArvinCiu, asteriskzie, CyberSleeper, Edbert.H, FreeJinG, gansixeneh, KokiCoder, nandonathaniel, and Pyqe.
We would also like to thank:
- KAN for helping to host the mirror round;
- AMnu, (KerakTelor, Owmicron, ZeroScar), (tzaph_, Berted, Elben85), errorgorn, Drew_, and joelgun14 for testing the contest and providing us very useful feedback;
- Universitas Indonesia, all the local committees, administrators, and managers of the whole COMPFEST event;
- fushar for the Judgels platform used in the official contest; and finally
- MikeMirzayanov for the amazing Codeforces and Polygon platform!
The contest will last for 5 hours and consist of 13 problems. The statements will only be available in English. While it is preferred to participate in a team, individual participation is also allowed.
COMPFEST itself is an annual event hosted by Universitas Indonesia. It is the largest student-run IT event in Indonesia and competitive programming contest is one of the competitions hosted.
We hope you will enjoy and have fun in the contest. Good luck! 🔥🔥🔥🔥
UPD: Contest is over!
Congratulations for our first solvers!
- A: arvindf232
- B: maspy
- C: (Speed Star: noimi, SSRS_)
- D: (ITMO PTU: dimss, Kirkon, andreyDagger)
- E: Morphed
- F: (JoesSR fan club: red-stone, LXH-cat, NetSpeed1)
- G: (DELIAIR: sapphire15, tokusakurai, torisasami)
- H: (Hamood? Hamood!: qiuzx, njwrz, sjcsjcsjc)
- I: (absinthe: user202729, nvmdava, rama_pang)
- J: (Beyond Three Wolves: Omphalos, Kevin114514, Gellyfish)
- K: (致远星: AlternatingCurrent, PersistentLife, grass8sheep)
- L: (Team named after Elena Engurazova: otsekai, oversolver, Blinov_Artemii)
- M: hos.lyric
Editorial is available here!
Hi, what is the expected difficulty and required prior knowledge? Do you think it is a good training for an ICPC regional contest, for example, ICPC SWERC?
You can definitely use this for ICPC regional training! You can check last year's mirror here.
Is it rated ? Edit: I apologize for asking this.
It is not rated
Ok, thanks
Is there any teammate for me??
Are three different computers allowed for each team member or only one is allowed for a team?
Different allowed
Three different computers are allowed for this mirror! :D
Sorry for not knowing ICPC rules, but could you please tell me can the three different computers be used at the same time?
For this mirror contest, all teammates are allowed to use their three different computers at the same time.
Thank you very much :D
What's the expected difficulty?
Problems will not be sorted according to difficulty level. Three or Four problems will be easy to solve. Rest all of them will be hard(according to my level).
Oh okay, thanks!
The expected difficulty should be around ICPC regional level. You can check last year's mirror here.
Is the contest delayed ? The start time shows 17:35(UTC +5.5) but it is already 18:43(UTC +5.5)
It's not today,the date is Sept 3.
My bad .. didn't notice the date
maximum number of individuals in a team?
Three persons.
Why unrated?!
Is there any teammate for me??
Is a debriefing expected for the contest? I really liked the tasks, I would like to complete them.
Problem F is ridiculous. A straight brute force runs less than $$$2$$$ s, as fast as the standard solution.
Sorry, we didn't expect for there to be a brute force solution that fast. Unfortunately, it's too late for us to change anything about that.
Didn't expect me and my team to get a good place
I really liked the problem set. Thanks!
Really nice contest. Loved It. Codeforces should have many more such contests. It was really fun and enjoyed a lot solving this contest. Questions were also very nice.
Whos is Elena Engurazova?
Boss of ФМШ СФУ (physical — math school)
I got smoke.