codesniper99's blog

By codesniper99, history, 18 months ago, In English

Hi, MikeMirzayanov

Why can't we just write a neural network which learns what obfuscation means and can read through all submissions after training the model, it will automatically flag ppl who are obfuscating?

Isn't trying to hide code or make it hard to read against policy?

The solution seems very simple to me, just make a NN. You already have so much data from past?

If you need more data,

make everyone who wants to participate in the next contest (and for each subsequent contest) , be allotted a random submission in history of codeforces. They have to judge if its obfuscation or not. Once its submitted then they can register. People with higher rating will have higher say in whether a submission is really obfuscated. Something like Amazon Mechanical Turk.

Use your loyal coders(however much remaining) to help us clean and purge this community!

(Reading through a code to understand obfuscation doesnt take more than 1-2 mins max)

Something like Overwatch in CS:GO or Dota 2.

Usually these obfuscations are something which is unpleasant to see like :

#define aCKRwrziTvHUKOb namespace
#define MPezggetwZGdgAP std;
#define ZccvuqPPyfgbiUB void
#define CrBidxvFCuXRFfi rec(int
#define zgSXTvGZhXIXbPI i,
#define lNrDOgrwmoZfdyR vector<vector<int>>&
#define OwALFRRpZsmIoMk arr,
#define PcYWVuVrBBAvHki vector<int>&
#define BiUUnCJMWNWndQS c,
#define eFEGSACCFdIjBDv dp,
#define ovMuMYANLYRNExM int
#define RKihtArgxWfmtHk n){
#define MTWPxisrdsAJYui if(dp[i]
#define IRkVmFbUteZgdXs !=
#define eZKyRSZhaiBkkpE 1e18)
#define JopfVyWEFQYPnTW return;
#define tQfHjycfjrvQDSF ans
#define xUIzdhodwOmvToe =
#define vPprlWYKQXdGFHJ c[i],
#define kgdiVvnFWODciNx sum
#define DSnARRCUUebCeAj 1e18;
#define dujRfmLoUhVpbQw for(auto
#define GBMAdcCOpAcJfVo val:arr[i]){
#define HeVKcslcUdfJfAD rec(val,arr,c,dp,n);
#define vjAxnOaoGuASLpz if(sum
#define SaXSjwuXLwcOzwh ==
#define yHlQJPkqqxGVElR =dp[val];
#define zuSudVNNnTeXLrb else
#define eNsAhgxrIasEuwT +=dp[val];
#define ThwvzPZPZZPpdld }
#define AqTIpcgDqQwpStw dp[i]
#define SCwqnTYHejUquwY min(ans,sum);
#define mdclyBiKxOAzScg signed
#define EErTqukgCvDxdBX main(){
#define eblPSYzowWROEWJ t=1;
#define KuXrrjhZXQgEjFe cin
#define AajvVdValWlkGzL >>
#define XGsRQWJdJiruOgE t;
#define PcpfoWUmFqnXNMU while(t--){
#define aMSXiKUQFESTnOo n,
#define UODNjQColDSzmZF k;
#define mJOpfluVcXHhFiA n
#define ZdaYMxfvfXISxUE vector<int>
#define eXuOZNCDQtERdfk c(n);
#define SWVdvoARmbsJOuT for(int
#define LxTydVtSGycalcP i=0;i<n;i++){
#define tYvJzxMTjlPTYVV c[i];
#define xoUPqhZeZXVnmgw p(k);
#define iBWkDhVOHchULLr i=0;i<k;i++){
#define ocVLKFsTwxyPSJG p[i];
#define nsldEPCPAEvxAKD c[p[i]-1]
#define qWVeWDPOPhnHhIx 0;

We can end this problem of obfuscation and cheating once and for all, What say?

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  • +18
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18 months ago, # |
Rev. 2   Vote: I like it +6 Vote: I do not like it

What are we doing behind the scenes to combat obfuscation? I'm keeping the post up so that someone in admin see's it. Are obfuscators punished? They can create software to obfuscate, so we should counter strike them