We invite you to participate in CodeChef’s Starters 98, this Wednesday, 12th July, rated till 6-stars Coders (ie. for users with rating < 2500).
Time: 8:00 PM — 10:30 PM IST
Note that the duration is 2.5 hours. Read about the recent CodeChef changes here.
Joining us on the problem setting panel are:
- Setters: Archit Pols_Agyi_Pols Kumar, Vaibhav kingmessi Khater
- Testers: Nishank IceKnight1093 Suresh
- Statement Verifier: Kanhaiya notsoloud1 Mohan
- Video Editorialists: Sundar K Letscode_sundar,Madhav jhamadhav Jha, Jwala jwalapc , Rohit ezo_tihor Oze, Adhish competitive__programmer Kancharla
- Text Editorialists: Nishank IceKnight1093 Suresh
- Contest Admin: Jeevan JeevanJyot Jyot Singh
Special Thanks to Anshiv sv1shan Singla and Hriday the_hyp0cr1t3 for their valuable feedback.
Written editorials will be available for all on discuss.codechef.com. Pro users can find the editorials directly on the problem pages after the contest.
The video editorials of the problems will be available for all users for 1 day as soon as the contest ends, after which they will be available only to Pro users.
Also, if you have some original and engaging problem ideas, and you’re interested in them being used in CodeChef's contests, you can share them here.
Hope to see you participating.
Good Luck!
UPD: Editorial is out.
cant wait for this contest
Thank you, like your regular contests.
Very nice contest, thank you again.
Didn't manage to solve div.2 D,E or F, but solved G by accident...
What's the intended solution for HOSTEL? Also should have been a 3 hour contest
Solutions are now available on CodeChef.
Thanks all for your participation. Since this was my first contest your feedback would be valuable.
Actually, SMQRY can be solved in $$$O(q\log n)$$$ with Link-Cut Tree.
Amazing ! Thanks for pointing out. I am sorry for having no idea of that thing previously but will definitely try to explore about it now.
orz problemset, could've been a 7* contest too. Loved participating
How to solve Div2 B Problem Ball Distribution. I thought of binary search but not able to get AC :(
You can divide the boxes into 2 types.
1: which contains ball of all colors
2: which has at least one color missing
Assume initially we have all boxes of type 1.
Now iterate on each colors, and think how can you minimize type 1 boxes.
According to you can Binary Search can be applied
Can't confirm about that
Problems E and F are nice, D was annoying though (subarray sum)
In the problem BUILDT (https://www.codechef.com/START98A/problems/BUILDT ), it is not clear to me whether the towers are distinct or not. Additionally, all $$$a_i$$$ in the sample cases are $$$1$$$ or $$$0$$$. Therefore, I was wrong on almost all testcases except the ones with $$$\max a_i \leq 1$$$.
u can consider each tower distinct based on node U and which rank is this tower in creation order T, for each node U now there are few thinks u have to take care of
for creation order of tower i and tower j, if Ti < Tj, tower i should be placed before tower j
Yes, I got three WAs because I didn't divide $$$a_i!$$$, I treat them as distinct towers. From the editorial, It seems that the only mistake I made was that I should divide $$$a_i!$$$ as towels are identical.
they should be treated differently imo, but u can't create tower x + 1 before creates x towers
thats why factorial doesn't make sense because u can't order them
oh bro