Блог пользователя Jack_sparrow_06

Автор Jack_sparrow_06, история, 20 месяцев назад, По-английски

Could someone explain what did I did wrong for the question 1829D - Gold Rush. When I submitted by recursive code it gets accepted, but when I memoized the code, I am getting TLE. Thanks for explanation in advance. Below is the code,


bool solve(int n, int m) {
	if(n == m) return true;
	if(m > n || n % 3 != 0) return false;
	int ind = n / 3;
	bool left = solve(ind, m);
	bool right = solve(n - ind, m);
	return left || right;
// Invoking function
bool res = solve(n, m);


bool solve(int n, int m, vector<int> &dp) {
	if(n == m) return true;
	if(m > n || n % 3 != 0) return false;
	if(dp[n] != -1) return dp[n];
	int ind = n / 3;
	bool left = solve(ind, m, dp);
	bool right = solve(n - ind, m, dp);
	return dp[n] = (left || right);

//Invoking function
vector<int> dp(n + 1, -1);
bool res = solve(n, m, dp);
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20 месяцев назад, # |
Rev. 4   Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

the recursion take from editorial O(n^(log3 (2))) ~ O(n^0.6) but initialize dp array will take O(n)

20 месяцев назад, # |
Rev. 2   Проголосовать: нравится +8 Проголосовать: не нравится

Here is my guess, since there is no statement in the problem which says: "the sum of all n over all test cases is less than 10^7," it is right to assume that there can be 1000 test cases where n = 10^7.

To initialize your dp array of size n + 1, it takes O(n) time. And there are t test cases. Since you are making a new array each test case, the total amount of time to make your dp array is O(n * t). n is at most 10^7 and t is at most 1000, so multiplied this is 10^10. Those many operations will certainly time out.