Hello Codeforces!!
We're honored to invite you to TheForces Round #15 (Yummy-Forces) which will take place on Jun/05/2023 18:05 (Moscow time).
Don't forget the time, registration is open now!, sorry for the inconveniences, the problems are available + $$$5$$$ minutes extra time
You will have 2 hours and 15 minutes to solve 6 problems.
Problems were prepared and authored by: k1r1t0, Amir_Parsa, O--O, Traverser_25.
Also huge thanks to our ultrabig army of testers: physics0523, amenotiomoi, TyroWhizz,wuhudsm, Little_Sheep_Yawn, k1r1t0, O--O, blxst, Madboly, absolute-mess, E404_Not_Found, ExpensiveAC, Believer., ashler66, Kev2103, parthtotalfun, EndlessDreams, Away_in_the_heavens, vikram108, Sarievo, yazan_istatiyeh, hkonvict, sai-17, Banis, _A7mad, LaVa_, yash_04.
Also we want to thank You for participating in our rounds.
Discord Server (1000+ people, join for a cookie)
As a tester, our problems are well prepared, and as a tradition give me negative contribution.
As co-founder of TheForces, problemsetter, and tester, give me some contribution please
As a tester, I can confirm that the problems are as delicious as the contest's name. Hope you all enjoy it; all the best!
As a tester,I am sure this is the most challenging round in history. I hope you enjoy it:)
unrated super interesting educational contests for beginners to masters
as a tester, can confirm.
As a tester I've posted the solution in spoiler.
Caught you lacking.
As a tester, problems are interesting and challenging, hope you can enjoy them.
As a tester I can say that contest is yummy enough to be said yummy forces.
As a tester, give me
I did not get it
TON coin
As a tester,
As a problem setter, problems are good and interesting, ✅
Auto comment: topic has been updated by E404_Not_Found (previous revision, new revision, compare).
As a tester, here we go again, for the 69 — 42 — 0 — (1 + 3 + 5) / 2 — (15) / 2 = 15th TheForces round
Problems not loading.
where are questions?
Are problems visible???
Amir_Parsa Problems are not visible.
Did the testers actually eat the problems cause I can't see them
Ok. I guess it's EmptyForces now.
the only Problem i can see is to find the problems
So you have 2 hours and 15 minutes to find the problems
I think someone have eaten my yummyforces too fast because it could be very yummy
Solved all the problems available but strangely can't find myself on the leaderboard. T_T
i was so excited :(
problems added now
Should i wait or go for dinner ^_^
Auto comment: topic has been updated by Amir_Parsa (previous revision, new revision, compare).
Problem F just disappeared?
How to do c??
Sixty Nine looks pretty tough.
in problem E , i thought non — increasing sequence + non — decreasing sequence + (same numbers between them) is form of optimal answer and tried but failed. how to solve E?