An unrated edu round, a +12 hour maintenance then some outages in recent hours and now many submissions are in queue Specifically, a 5 page-inqueue
UPD: It has been all resolved. Now, the queue runs fine and even bots aren't allowed to do submissions. And I guess the human verification imposed will lessen ChatGPT's crazy believers submissions spamming the queue as pointed in this blog It looks that DDOS attack which made the last edu unrated won't happen again (hopefully) by this series of strong enhancements. Thank you MikeMirzayanov and all the codeforces team.
What has Genshin done with you?
Not playing Genshin dao zhi de.
The queue is too long 😓
A 5 page-inqueue
It's been 2.5 hours now since submissions stopped being judged :/
didnt queue work in O(1)? :)
Why are there so many downvotes for such an inoffensive joke?
MikeMirzayanov pls help
Codeforces need a break
This problem may have something to do with yesterday's maintenance. My submission is stuck there for hours.
And this new anti ddos script literally kills all my services even for api requests