Hi Codeforces!
Two weeks ago, I asked my friends if anyone would like to check if some people had solved certain tasks in Codeforces and Atcoder. 66.6% of those surveyed answered yes to that question. These two people motivated me to create a tool for this task.
And so, after two weeks of learning new techniques in html, css, and js, I present you tnayin. Click on the Edit icon, edit the user and problem lists, and see the results. That's it.
I also want to thank Codeforces and the AtCoderProblems team for the APIs I use for this. And thanks to AURRUM for being my only tester.
As you can see, I'm using the unofficial API for AtCoder, and I added some delay between requests as Kenkoooo asked. Also note that the running time depends on the user's network speed.
I hope this will be useful for you. Website | Github
I will check your homework with this tool thanks erankyun:D