We invite you to participate in CodeChef’s September Lunchtime, this Friday , 23rd September, rated for all. It is based on EJOI 2022, the second day of which takes place earlier on the same day. All EJOI participants were asked to not discuss the problems before the end of this contest, and to not participate in this contest. If you somehow got to know some of the problems, please, don't participate.
Time: 8:00 PM — 11:30 PM IST
Please note that the contest duration is unusual — 3.5 Hours.
Joining me on the problem setting panel are:
Setters of EJOI: Ray MagentaCobra Bai, Anton antontrygubO_o Trygub, Matvey BigBag Aslandukov, Ihor Barichek Barenblat, Roman RomaWhite Bilyi, Jeroen Op de jeroenodb Beek
Setters of extra problems for this contest: Utkarsh Utkarsh.25dec Gupta, Jeevan Jyot JeevanJyot Singh, Ashish Ashishgup Gupta
Testers: I want to thank countless testers of EJOI: kostia244, welleyth, KostasKostil, VladProg, timreizin, Um_nik, 244mhq, errorgorn
Contest Admins: Anton antontrygubO_o Trygub, Yahor 244mhq Dubovik, Jeevan Jyot JeevanJyot Singh
Editorialist: Nishank IceKnight1093 Suresh
I want to separately thank arsijo for his colossal work put into the organization of EJOI.
The video editorials of the problems will be available for all users for 1 day as soon as the contest ends, after which they will be available only to Pro users.
Also, if you have some original and engaging problem ideas, and you’re interested in them being used in CodeChef's contests, you can share them here.
Hope to see you participating. Good Luck!
Can U Just Postpone the Contest to Day After Tomorrow or to Sunday .So me and every other person can join the LunchTime Contest After So Many Days .Since CodeForces Div 2 822 is Clashing with it
Codeforces contest has been rescheduled. Check announcement!
Ok I am Sorry . I didn't notice the announcement . Thanks @Pentonic.
Reminder: Contest starts in ~30 minutes.
How to solve RMVNUMBERS?
If m >= 40 answer is 0. Otherwise you can calculate for each number in A, what mask of operations would leave it untouched. You can do dp on trie on those masks to calculate answer.
If $$$M > 30$$$ the answer is $$$0$$$, otherwise we can brute-force on the game tree. See the code.
Got my best rank (34) in div2. feeling much better after rating loss in CF.. thanks for the contest :)
RMVNUMBERS is a mastapiece!
how to solve Increasing Addition?
Consider what the operation does to the difference array.
max adjecent diff when a[i]>a[i+1]
becouse in one operation 1,2,3.... add in every l to r element
we want min(A[i]-A[i-1]) >= 0. So ans is -min(A[i]-A[i-1]) if min(A[i]-A[i-1]) < 0 otherwise its 0. We can use a multiset or map to store sorted adjacent difference.
Lets say the Increasing Addition question was phrased as this: find Max ceil((a[i]-a[j])/(j-i))) among all pairs (i,j) where j>i.And there are q queries where you modify one element in each query.
How would you approach this question?
Free 17pts was here(PERMSLCS Subtask3): ARC091-E
How to optimize LCAINTERACT from 66 points (k=10) to 100 points (k=9)?
How to solve UNFRIENDLY for the entire 100 points ? I could come up with only a dp solution for 23 points :( .
Collapse substrings like "aaaaaaaa" into just "a" as you can't pick more than 1 from these anyway. Collapse substrings like "abababababababa" into just "aba", this won't affect the answer for a similar reason.
Now you can show that it is never optimal to leave gaps longer than 2 in the subsequence. Now you can solve with a $$$O(n)$$$ DP.
I'm really impressed by the quality of codechef problems! I enjoyed Div 1 problems so much (even more than a typical Codeforces round!) Keep it up!
That's because it was EJOI 2022 problems :)