This blog is to list common bugs/suggestions/complaints for MikeMirzayanov. Share your ideas in the comments so I can add them to the list.
Change hacked code verdict to "Verdict"(hacked) instead of just "Hacked".
Problem submission syncing (i.e. if you solve a problem in a mashup or a div 2, your submission will show up in the div 1 version of the problem as well).
Seperate show tags and show problem rating options for problemset.
An option for excluding tags when filtering problems (for example, let's say I want to do some DP problems, but I don't want greedy problems that also have DP solutions to show up, or let's say I want to practice problems from a certain difficulty, but I don't want to see any geometry problems).
Make the folder icon in the catalog clickable so that we can collapse certain columns while searching.
In Fav. Blog Entries Option, blogs should be collapsed by default so that we can see multiple favorite blogs at one time otherwise it takes a lot of scrolling to see the next fav. blog.
Paginated comments sections. (so that blogs with a large amount of comments are actually scrollable on mobile)
Add an Option to show only solved problems in the problemset. (not hide solved problems only.) (Because say you want to see all problems you have solved in fft.)
Allow removal / hidding of problems in the Last Unsolved list (section of PROBLEMSET).
Add "hide if participated by any of the given member-list." option on the gym.
Add Downvote option as well for Suggestions that we dont want.
Good idea but the dislike button doesn't exist. Let's add it as a suggestion as well.
To make the list shorter and more prioritized, wouldn't it be better if we excluded everything that has less than 30 votes ? Because it would be a chore to do (even read) all of them.
nice idea, lets see if codeforces admins care...
may be an unfair statement: codeforces admins are already busy with organizing contests, cheaters, scaling (4 years ago there would be submission queue issues left and right, no longer!). Also you never hear admins bragging about it (good).
May be a fair statement
Problem submission syncing (i.e. if you solve a problem in a mashup or a div 2, your submission will show up in the div 1 version of the problem as well).
Top suggestions supreme leader orz
Stop wasting your time on codeforces and fight Usyk
Stop wasting your time on codeforces and prepare for fighting Jake Paul.
One more suggestion: Option to show only rating of problems (like 1700, 1800, etc) while practising problems on Codeforces without the tags for algorithms/data structures to be used.
This is so needed. When I practice a contest I have to look for a problem in the problem set in order to find its difficulty without being spoilered by tags which is very inconvenient.
Until the feature does get updated on codeforces(hopefully) you should definitely try the chrome extension "CF GetRating". It does exactly what you need as per my understanding.
Got it, thanks!
Enable — Edit user name option. (where that can be set only while creating.. have a option to edit this.. )
New Year is not far away now.
Some ToDos are mentioned here as well!
PS: It would be good if Codeforces would have official rating predictor or something similar to Codechef Live Rating Graph Change.
Ending the virtual participation
There should be an option in the problemset to filter questions based on division and question number. For example: Problem C from Div 2.
Problem submission syncing (i.e. if you solve a problem in a mashup or a div 2, your submission will show up in the div 1 version of the problem as well).
Is really good I think
An option for excluding tags when filtering problems (for example, let's say I want to do some DP problems, but I don't want greedy problems that also have DP solutions to show up, or let's say I want to practice problems from a certain difficulty, but I don't want to see any geometry problems).
what do you mean by "I don't want to see any geometry problems"
Make the folder icon in the catalog clickable so that we can collapse certain columns while searching.
As suggested by someone earlier,
i) Add a feature to hide tags while preparing contest in gym(this)
ii) In Fav. Blog Entries Option, blogs should be collapsed by default so that we can see multiple favorite blogs at one time otherwise it takes a lot of scrolling to see the next fav. blog(this)
Show the exact test case on which our solution give wrong answer during practice.
Reporting users is a must! He obstructed his code even in the latest CF Edu round. Have a look at him! MikeMirzayanov
How about an option to collapse comments, making it easier to navigate (especially) larger blogs? E.g. collapsing a parent comment also collapses all of its children.
Couldn't agree more !
can't believe that atilla has created a useful blog
I would like to suggest some todo's like
The first one already exists :
It's not precise! It shows upto 1000 contestants only! is preciser than it.
PS: e.g. Indian standings of last edu round here.
I suggest making it possible to see who added me as a friend.
Cool idea and I personally really like it, buuuuut it kinda violates individual user privacy. Sad.
However, the idea can be changed to respect privacy (ideally) by adding an user setting that works kinda like the "don't mark messages as seen" function in WhatsApp, which is two-way.
If the checkbox is deactivated, you can't see who follows you, but also no person that you follow can see that you are following them either. If it's activated, you can see who added you and people who you're following can see that you are.
Ofc this new idea has potential subtle "holes" and problems — anything privacy related does — but... it feels just a bit safer
what about making articles/blogs in 'Favorites' shorter, and make it click to expand.
so far it is expanded by default and when you add some things to it, it is too long to display and not easy to scroll to a specific one.
upd: my bad, just notice this idea has already been proposed here
Allow removal / hidding of problems in the
Last Unsolved
list (section of PROBLEMSET). Now half of this list in my case is filled with optimization problems like this and it renders the list, unfortunately, mostly useless.New icons at least
In gym, "Hide if participated by me" filter exists. It would be good if we can filter to hide if participated by any of the given member-list. Good for team practice contests.
Paginated comments sections (so that blogs with a large amount of comments are actually scrollable on mobile)
Fix source/testcases view in "status" subpage. When resizing the window, the source code pop-up stays in place, so in order to resize correctly, one has to first close the submission, resize the window, and reopen the submission.
When you highlight a Test Case in a problem, highlight its answer too. Because when there are multiple Test Cases, it's a pain to look for answer of each of them.
Give us the ability to download the hidden test data (including tests with large I/O)! It will save a lot of debugging time when we want to upsolve problems.
I've wanted this for a while, but then I came across this
The intellectual property point does not seem to be a counter argument at all. All that argument says is that codeforces has the right to choose not post test cases. It does not saying anything about if codeforces should or should not do it. You can just as easily say that codeforces has the right not to implement almost any of the other features described here, right?
Make a feature to delete an account permanently. I make many accounts for my foolishness. :)
Sort the comments on the basis of top comments, newest comments.
and most upvoted comments too
Some usernames (code for ex.) isnt available because somebody took it before BUT even if they changed their names into another name we arent still able to use them.
Yeah, I want to change my name to an unused name but it shows it as used.
Add 'hide votes' while publishing blogs or comments so these blogs and comments doesn't affect contribution.
Someone can open a new account because of fear from downvotes.
Add an option to filter by country in contest standings
Allow moving directly to a specific page number when checking Top rated list etc
You can do both of them.
For country standing, you can use CF World Standings extension. This is for firefox and this is for Google.
You can type page number from URL section of browser for moving a page.
Doing them directly from CF is more convenient
Coloring International Grandmaster and International Master
physics0523 ABCxyz fixed
physics0523 ABCxyz fixed
Hide your rating button.
How isn't this implemented yet...
SUGGESTION : option to see people who friended you.
Q&A thread/section (basically SO but on CF, because it's not really necessary to have one blog post for each and every question)
(Yeah, well, someone could suggest it on Area 51, but CF really seems a better place for it)
problem "popularity":
ability to upvote/downvote individual problems. Also ability to sort problem set by this score.
reason: I'm always searching for high quality/interesting problems, and usually look at blogs like: or recommendations from friends
Most of them haven't done yet.