Is there any way to find prime number upto 10^9 or 10^18 or more in 1 second?
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Is there any way to find prime number upto 10^9 or 10^18 or more in 1 second?
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The algorithm:
I have an algorithm which finds the greatest prime less than the given $$$n$$$ and works in less than $$$1$$$ second for $$$n \leq 4\cdot 10^9$$$. I'm not sure if better ones exist.
Let's use a fast prime counting technique. In the mentioned blog, the second one works in $$$O(n^{2/3} \ log^{1/3} \ n)$$$.
We can combine it with binary search on a continuous function. Denote $$$\pi (x)$$$ the number of primes less than $$$x$$$. We know that $$$\pi (\lfloor \frac{x}{2} \rfloor) < \pi (x)$$$, so we set the left and right bound in our binary search to $$$\lfloor \frac{n}{2} \rfloor$$$ and $$$n$$$.
Details of how we do the binary search:
Let's suppose we have some $$$l<r$$$ and $$$\pi (l) < \pi (r)$$$, meaning that there exists a prime on the range $$$(l,r]$$$. Let's take $$$mid = \lfloor \frac{l+r}{2} \rfloor$$$. If $$$\pi (mid) < \pi (r)$$$ it means that there exists a prime on the range $$$(mid,r]$$$, so we set $$$l = mid$$$. Otherwise, $$$\pi (l) < \pi (mid) = \pi (r)$$$ holds, so there exists a prime on the range $$$(l,mid]$$$ and we set $$$r = mid$$$.
We terminate the binary search when $$$r=l+1$$$. Last $$$r$$$ is the greatest prime number less than (or equal to) $$$n$$$.
$$$O(n^{2/3} \ log^{4/3} \ n)$$$, one $$$log\ n $$$ factor comes from the binary search.
The prime gap between two primes is small enough, so to find the greatest prime less than n, you can just iterate through numbers from $$$n - 1$$$ to $$$1$$$ until you'll find the prime (it will occur soon as the prime gap is small). To check if the number is prime you can use primality tests.
In case of $$$n = 10^{18}$$$ this algo will run in approximately $$$1000 \cdot log^2(n)$$$ operations, which is fast enough.