I am just stuck at_ HLD technique_ and the also the Dynamic tree . I am fair enough good at LCA but I feel helpless at dynamic changes in tree . I want to understand how to code and where to update for different Queries . Thanks in advance ..
I am just stuck at_ HLD technique_ and the also the Dynamic tree . I am fair enough good at LCA but I feel helpless at dynamic changes in tree . I want to understand how to code and where to update for different Queries . Thanks in advance ..
I can't discuss anything to you because I don't understand what problem did you get. But I have some example and they could help you.
Dynamic tree (Splay tree) with queries doAssign, doReverse, and getSum (thanks dongockhanh1997 about this): https://sites.google.com/site/kc97ble/container/splaytree-cpp-3
Heavy light decomposition with queries increase value of one node and get maximum value in the road between node u and node v. https://sites.google.com/site/kc97ble/container/heavylight-cpp
These examples was written very detailed, but language used is Vietnamese, I'm sorry about the inconvenience. Of course, sources are much readable.
I hope this link will help you.