We invite you to participate in CodeChef’s April Cook-Off, this Saturday, 2nd April, rated for all.
Time: 8:00 PM — 10:30 PM IST
California headquartered Customer Engagement Platform MoEngage is on board to hire candidates from the Chef's pool.
Who can apply?
Anyone who has Strong coding skills and 0-4 years of experience can apply.
Where is the application form?
Visit the April Cook-Off contest page to check the JD & application form.
Joining me on the problem setting panel are:
Setters: Srikkanth R, Tejas tejas10p Pandey, Soumyadeep soumyadeep_pal_21 Pal, Daniel Dan4Life Emeka-Ilozor, Alex Um_nik Danilyuk, Jatin rivalq Garg, Vladislav Vladithur Bargatin, Danny DannyBoy Boy, Shanu ShanuSingroha Singroha, Nandeesh nandyboy Gupta
Tester: Harris gamegame Leung
Head Admin: Alex Um_nik Danilyuk
Statement Verifier: Kanhaiya notsoloud1 Mohan
Contest Admins: Anton antontrygubO_o Trygub, Yahor 244mhq Dubovik
Also, announcing Scholarship for CodeChef Certification in Data Structure & Algorithms — More than 100 Indian participants in Divisions 1, 2, and 3 will win scholarships for the CodeChef Certification exam (discounted prices). Scholarship criteria can be found in the respective contest pages.
The video editorials of the problems will be available on our YouTube channel as soon as the contest ends. Subscribe to get notifications about our new editorials.
Also, if you have some original and engaging problem ideas, and you’re interested in them being used in CodeChef's contests, you can share them here.
Hope to see you participating. Good Luck!
Auto comment: topic has been updated by 244mhq (previous revision, new revision, compare).
Have the cash prizes for Global/Indian winners been discontinued?
When i click on the
Sorted Distances
problem editorial it says"Oops! That page doesn’t exist or is private."
..244mhq I noticed that my rating delta for Cook-Off coincides with the fake delta for Starters (there was an issue that temporarily made Starters 30 rated for Div. 1), so I suspect it may be wrong. Please investigate.
Nothing seems off. It's probably just a coincidence.
All editorials are still not out. How to solve Chef Goes Shopping ?
did you got any good solution except CodeChef YouTube video ?
Not yet
If you find any... comment me the same!
Xellos and foxy007, why haven't editorials for any of the Div-1 problems been released yet ?. It's highly unprofessional to not release the editorials even after 2 days of the contest. CodeChef_admin kindly look into this.
Sorry, it's my fault, I got delayed. (It'd be unprofessional to completely ignore my actual job instead.)
Sure. (I don't understand why would you even opt for this job if you had other stuff to take care of, just let someone else who has time do it. I mean it's not like you're doing this for free anyways)
Since nobody talks about or solved XORDEGREE (and the editorial is yet to be out), I'll share my solution. My approach is to make the sum of degrees $$$2N$$$ or $$$2N-2$$$. The main observation is that, if the sum is larger than $$$2N$$$, we can reduce the sum by $$$2$$$ or $$$4$$$ without changing the XOR. However, it turned out that there are a few nasty edge cases, and it took me a lot of time to handle all of them. I don't know if it's the intended solution, and I'd like to hear a cleaner one if it exists.