code_coffee's blog

By code_coffee, history, 2 months ago, In English

Dear community,

Recently, I received a message from Codeforces that my submission — 298267063 to the problem 2043C - Sums on Segments in the contest Educational Codeforces Round 173 (Rated for Div. 2) has significantly coincided with the submissions — 298228434 by lexapex5 as well as 298237538 by aryak05.

While I can see the similarities in the solution, I still came up with it on my own. The implementation of the solution is similar because I have used widely known and used methods, as have lexapex5 and aryak05. The similarities are purely coincidental. I have used the following techniques in my solution:

  1. used linear search to find out the element not either 1 or -1
  2. broke the problem down in two cases — one where the element other than 1 and -1 doesn't exist and solved it separately and then the case in which that element was present
  3. used kadane's to find minimum and maximum sum of arrays containing only 1 and -1
  4. used iterative approach to find the minimum and maximum sum of subarrays containing element other than 1 and -1
  5. used set data structure to store the values of sums because I had to output only unique values in ascending order

These are all well known and common sensical methods used on this platform. I have used these methods before on multiple problems as well.

Therefore I request Codeforces team as well as MikeMirzayanov to look into the matter and resolve the problem.

Thankyou for your consideration.


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