carcinisation's blog

By carcinisation, 10 months ago, In English

A few days ago, the team selection of Türkiye was completed after a glorious and intense battle. Since no one has posted a blog for the IOI teams yet, I have taken up the responsibility this year. Here is the IOI team of Türkiye:

  • Cengiz Eray Aslan (ErrrrrrrayReis37) — 3rd time at IOI, 0 attempts left

  • Berke İnan Tol (kaIimm) — 2nd time at IOI, 0 attempts left

  • Duru Özer (Weobe) — 1st time at IOI, 0 attempts left

  • Noyan Cantürk (carcinisation) — 1st time at IOI, 3 attempts left

I wish the best of luck to all the participants. If you could kindly let me know the members of your team in the comments, I will be happy to update the list of participating teams. Good luck, and see you there!

UPD: Added column for max rating average

Country Members Average of Max Ratings
China orzdevinwang Kubic MagicalFlower PubabaOnO 3226.75
Russia arbuzick Qwerty1232 bashkort green_gold_dog 2644
Japan PCTprobability shiomusubi496 Forested hirayuu_cf 2586.5
USA hyforces rainboy PurpleCrayon GusterGoose27 2545.25
Iran ParsaDox Dorost AmirAli-Asgari amirhoseinfar1385 2524.25
Poland Adam_GS Rafi22 Jan Gwiazda Arapak 2462.66
Canada BalintR skittles1412 Trentium Mkswll 2453.5
Israel elazarkoren ItamarNir Alon-Tanay CommandMaster 2419.25
South Korea Mingyu331 heeew mickeyjung kes0716 2418.25
Vietnam ahihi1234 socpite hotboy2703 bachbeo2007 2415.75
Bulgaria Sedmoklasnikut VesselinMarkovich libobil andreystefanov 2386.5
Romania Andrei_ierdnA RaresFelix valeriu anpaio 2340.25
India kshitij_sodani PoPularPlusPlus SmolBrain unforgettablepl 2336.25
Singapore briX1210 kymmykym TheRaptor0225 pavement 2299.75
Türkiye erray tolbi Weobe Nummer_64 2290.75
Belarus qilby k1r1t0 topovik mechakotik 2284.75
Serbia wxhtzdy NemanjaSo2005 prokulijander urosk 2228.5
Hong Kong bedrockfake WongChun1234 culver0412 onbert 2226
Brazil _rey LoboLobo Lalic clarinha 2225.25
Taiwan becaido PCC zacharychao LittleOrange666 2223
United Kingdom Hanksburger sammyuri Boomyday12343 anango 2185
Bangladesh Soumya1 Jarif_Rahman AkibAzmain Desh01 2173.75
Kazakhstan shenfe1 MnTm Issa Tima5 2173
Ukraine xGaz_ Ignut TheQuantiX 160cm 2161
Mongolia Irmuun.Ch Onolt_kh tamir1 ezzzay 2141.33
Syria edogawa_something aminsh NeroZein Abito 2117
Hungary gortomi Error-42 Valaki2 zsombor 2097.25
Italy BestCrazyNoob franv jamesbamber AlesL0 2084.25
Georgia Phantom_Performer DzadzoD Nika533 otarius 2079
Croatia celin DinoHadzic ltunjic nvujica 2075.25
Spain Esomer Dalek_of_Rivia danx Hectorungo_18 2065.75
Switzerland 42kangaroo RecursiveCo EliasBauer Ursus5805 2015
Armenia Tsovak alex_2008 c2zi6 GaGeV 2013.25
Azerbaijan fuad720 Huseyn123 dmraykhan Tahirliyev 2007.5
Moldova alinp TimDee mesanu _Vanilla_ 2002
Thailand kunzaZa183 sleepntsheep NortGlG 1985.5
Kyrgyzstan yanb0 Alihan_8 Relice Baytoro 1984
France oscar1f raphaelp anton6 anatole4242 1979.75
Uzbekistan Sunnatov Husanboy heaven2808h MardonbekHazratov 1971
Pakistan Ghulam_Junaid Muhammad-Saram Kaleem_Raza_Syed M.UmairAhmadMirza 1959.25
Tajikistan outfinity MmusoM hasan06 Ansori 1951.25
Mexico efishel joseandreslemus LoganGD SopaconK 1914.75
Macedonia Blagoj damjandavkovz VMaksimoski008 coolplum 1869.75
Czech Republic 0npata aymanrs Tonyl honzinsliva Trustfulcomic 1864.33
Cyprus Theo830 Trumling ALeonidou mariza_CY 1856.75
Slovakia prvocislo viliamgott IMackerI pritrskypatrik 1850.5
Saudi Arabia AverageDiv1Enjoyer vahmad Essa2006 Erering 1849
Palestine Wawi_ Rushdi Abduallah Sherbini blushinghentaigirl 1842.33
Philippines pwned jer033 ProtonDecay314 Ausp3x 1832.75
Morocco aymanrs YassirSalama4 Medeali PotatoTheWarrior2 1779.25
Sweden TheodorBeskow qwusha goben slushtre 1771.75
Tunisia faresnebili MarwenElarbi YassineBenYounes Friday_night 1725.75
Algeria speedcode gok_usan Chams3927 DriciHachem 1699
Cuba CTB220406 Marco_Escandon Maite_Morales SN0WM4N 1698
Jordan Rayo TorresianCrow samsoom Aybak 1642.66
Netherlands j_vdd16 Boas Increedible 2288 1587.5
Belgium Nonoze Ludissey Alban Van Vyve Akram Zakine 1564
Argentina Edu175 biank SpecterByte FabriATK 1556
Turkmenistan stdfloat Halym2007 Champ. Hojamuhammet 1530.5
Bolivia shezitt Gabriel___ Lincito_31 aguss 1444.75
Germany waipoli sim_ba Servant_of_the_Lord UncreativeDev 1445.25
Chile EdL TKTO FranciscoPinhao Bors__ 1138.5
Ireland pitu FionnKimberOShea Yuan_Li Shuyan Feng 1099
Colombia MartinezMiners oculars_focuses Guanexxx juan_o_182 968.66
Dominican Republic enderr baldwinhuang1 Adriano4fk pierre.rouches 682.5

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