Блог пользователя atharvagupta2205

Автор atharvagupta2205, история, 4 года назад, По-английски

Did you guys notice that the most up voted blog on codeforces(more than 3600), the one posted by google_injustice was deleted by codeforces. I dont know how it could be done, but it is highly likely to be done by someone with admin access which basically means that they are trying to shut this down. I think they will take this post down as soon as they notice this, so if you see this post make sure to post this from your account because i, along with hundreds of others have suffered because if this bullshit and hope to end it soon. Just post this from some other account if you dont want to use your main account.

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Автор atharvagupta2205, история, 5 лет назад, По-английски

Hey people!! I have a confession to make: This is a fake account. But before you judge me on it, please note that i never had any intentions to use it for anything bad like checking solns during contests,etc. I just wanted another account to stay away and alone from people.Lets get to the point now.

So recently i participated in Codeforces Global Round 10. I was originally gonna participate with my real account but didnt because the power went out just moments before the contest started and my laptop was going to die and i didnt want my rating to get messed up. Power came back after 20 min of contest, but i decided to finish this round using this account since i had already submitted 2. Now what i cannot believe is the fact that i solved 6 problems during the contest and got a pretty decent rank. Now i don't know why i always lag when i give contests with my real account(I am early purple). I wanted to know is it because of the peer pressure that i have when i participate with that round or did i just get lucky this one contest??? I really think that i am in a different mindset when i participate with this account(more chill) and i dont know why.....

Any kind of words would be useful.

Thanks for taking some time out to read. :)

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Автор atharvagupta2205, история, 5 лет назад, По-английски

Hey people!!! Hope you all are having a great time. This post is in regards to the one thing i don't like about atcoder. I participated in the recent contest by M-solutions. It was a great contest. i could solve the first four problems. I was very eager to see how i could not solve E and F. But the editorial was in japanese only. I know that is a japanese website and i have no problem with japanese editorials. But the thing i am not getting is why do they take so long to upload english editorials??. people who are patient enough would have already solved all the problems. But most of us would forget about that contest after 3-4 days.It's been 5 days and the english editorial is still not out. Please note that i am not trying to defame atcoder in anyway. Infact i think it is among the best websites for cp out there. Please take this as "constructive criticism". What i am asking is that do the admin's at atcoder find it difficult to find trustworthy people to translate the editorial or is it some other reason. To address this matter faster i am taging ko_osaga here.(he regularly participates at atcoder). Thank you people. [Edit] Finally found one of the admins of atcoder.chokudai. Please do something. It is more than a week now. I really want to read the editorial in english.Thanks

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Автор atharvagupta2205, история, 5 лет назад, По-английски

Recently i noticed that a lot of people are part of a organization named "William Lin fan-club". Many of them are people whom i look upto. I tried to find out what it was but wasnt able to get a good idea. Anyone here who can enlighten me? i am in such a stage that working with a group of like minded people might be beneficial. SO is there a way i can join it? and Anton i am a big fan of yours :).

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