aboAdnan's blog

By aboAdnan, history, 6 years ago, In English

Hi Codeforces!

In D2 problem in today's Div.2 contest, the testcases were not covering all cases.

If no rejudging will be held, this will effect positively on someones (with passed wrong solutions), and negatively on otherones (with ranks worse than what they worth).

For me, I'm satisfied although it may effect negatively on me, because in a previous contest, this case have effected on me positively.

So, if Codeforces will always deal with this case with just apologising, so it will be like: "today it effects on you with -1, tomorrow will effects with +1", but this is not guaranteed for every one and for all times.

So, please, work on solving weaktest cases, even if the solution will be rejudging, or fair will not be held in those contests.

Thanks anyway!

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By aboAdnan, history, 6 years ago, In English

Hello everybody!

Before, when I was filtering the problemset table by some tag while show tags for unsolved prolems checkbox was disabled, the page was showing me the problems that I had solved and been tagged with that tag.

Now it shows all the problems with the filtering tag, but without showing literally the tags beside the names of problems :p.

I think this was not intended, and, anyway, IMO, this defeats the purpose of that checkbox. So, please, return to that past version of this point.

Thanks in advance!

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By aboAdnan, history, 6 years ago, In English


Last week, I participated virtually in a Gym with a team. After the contest, we wouldn't have been able to open the solution of a problem that wasn't solved with us if the team hadn't had a previous Div.1 contestant in it (using Coach mode).

So, I wondered, what is the preference of the Div.1 contestants on others in this point?

If the answer is because they may need the solutions for coaching purpose, so why don't we consider the self-coaching case that is not a rare case?

  1. We all know that during practice, one, anyone, needs to see the solutions of the unsolved problems after trying hard with it.

  2. Becoming a Div.1 contestant can be done by cheater non-Div.1 contestants (and I really appreciate your efforts to defeat a lot of cheating cases).

So, I ask you, please, to discuss this point, and I wish the solutions of the author who accepts to share his solutions to be opened for all.


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By aboAdnan, history, 7 years ago, In English


Here is the problem: Div.2-D. Greg and Graph.

Spoiler (the topic I mean):

BTW, the div.2 contest of this problem is interesting too :)

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By aboAdnan, history, 7 years ago, In English


The verdicts for the recent submissions are all "judgement failed", please, fix it :).

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By aboAdnan, history, 7 years ago, In English

Hello everyone!

Yesterday I read this problem (https://a2oj.com/p?ID=3), and after that, it showed to me that there is a waste of some information that the solver needs to solve it.

But, surely, several unaccessible accepted submissions, made me incline to accuse my understanding.

So I, gratefully, hope you to help me in this problem.

After you read the problem statement, see this please:

Are there, in the statement, expressions that describe the whole way to construct the expansion string from the poly-line ( initial ) string? I saw that there is not enough clear explanation for it. So, all of the ways are considered true, but according to the examples, not all of the ways to construct the expansion string are accepted!!. Thanks in advance.

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