Блог пользователя _RED__

Автор _RED__, история, 2 года назад, По-английски

We are working to raise awareness about the talents and potential of Palestinians. Despite the ongoing political situation, Palestinians face restrictions on their participation in international olympiads and contests. However, we are determined to make a difference.

Our goal is to help Palestine participate in the International mathematical Olympiad for the second time and to bring home a better result than last year's https://www.imo-official.org/country_individual_r.aspx?code=PSE.

With your support, we believe that we can reach new heights and showcase the brilliance of Palestinian youth. Join us in our efforts to make this happen https://gofund.me/ca4d8228

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Автор _RED__, 3 года назад, По-английски

Hello everybody,

I am going to start university this year, and there isn't much time to think more about what I should study.

I have applied for a couple of universities, one in which I'll study CS and another in which I'll study medicine,

But it is really hard to make my final decision.

I am not really interested in the subject I'll study but I'm more interested in the job opportunities after I graduate.

So, here's the case:

Most people (including doctors) I asked in my country told me that working as a doctor in a hospital has a very very high salary. I asked about everything concerning medicine and I guess I know what I need to know.

But for CS, it is known that there aren't big tech companies here so if I want to work in IT field I'll have to work abroad in some major tech company to get that salary. But after looking on the Internet I found out that in average someone works in companies like Google, Facebook, etc.. around 2-3 years.

I don't know what to do or if the things I found are even true in the first place, and there aren't a lot (very very few) of people here who have experience in big IT companies, so I thought that CodeForces would be the best place to ask about this, since there are a lot of people who have such experience.

So the question now is for people who work/ed in tech companies.

What is your opinion about this?

You really don't work more than a few years in a single company?

Is the job comfortable in general or you're under pressure all the time?

In general, what are the advantages and disadvantages that would deserve to be mentioned?

BTW I have IOI bronze, APIO bronze, and IMO HM, so I guess this can help me more in an IT job.

Any help is appreciated

Thanks! :)

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