Pirate_ksh's blog

By Pirate_ksh, 5 years ago, In English
UPD(July 24, 2020)
UPD(July 19, 2020)
UPD(July 14, 2020)
UPD(July 11, 2020)
UPD(July 10, 2020)

Hello Everyone! I have made a web app Codeforces Upsolving Helper using Codeforces API.

Q. What Codeforces Upsolving Helper does ?

  1. Compiles at one place all your Unsolved problems of Codeforces that you attempted (submitted their solution at least once) but could not get Accepted verdict.

  2. The problems can be segregated by Index (i.e. A, B, C and so on) OR Problem Rating (i.e. Less than 1000, Between 1000 and 1200, and so on).

  3. Moreover, in each section, they are sorted in increasing order of rating.

  4. Recommends Unattempted Problems from Past Contests or All Problemset.

  5. Team Mode for Team Upsolving Sessions.

Q. Why Codeforces Upsolving Helper?

  1. Currently, on the Codeforces website, we could not see all our unsolved problems at once (only the latest 15 are visible at once), hence, this app works as a solution to this.

  2. Thus it helps in / eases the process of finding old problems for up-solving.

  3. It recommends problems from Past Contests or All Problemset according to your rating.

Q. What is Team Mode?

  1. In Team Mode, you can enter handle(s) of your team members separated by comma(,) ( max. 5 handles ).

  2. On pressing Enter, you will get the list of those problems of Codeforces which has been attempted by at least one member of your team but is solved by none.

  3. Problem Recommender similar to Normal mode.

Still Confused about Team Mode?

If your WHAT and WHY are satisfactorily answered, Check out the deployed app @ Codeforces Upsolving Helper and share with your mates.

Link to Github Repository

PS: Glad to know that Codeforces Upsolving Helper has been included by Ashishgup in his blog ( Codeforces Data Scraping Websites ) having a list of such websites which he found useful.

Feel free to provide feedback / constructive criticism.

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