I am quite confused about whats going on this year, what I heard is , there is going to be two world finals this year. What teams go to the first one and what teams go to the second one?
# | User | Rating |
1 | tourist | 3856 |
2 | jiangly | 3747 |
3 | orzdevinwang | 3706 |
4 | jqdai0815 | 3682 |
5 | ksun48 | 3591 |
6 | gamegame | 3477 |
7 | Benq | 3468 |
8 | Radewoosh | 3462 |
9 | ecnerwala | 3451 |
10 | heuristica | 3431 |
# | User | Contrib. |
1 | cry | 168 |
2 | -is-this-fft- | 162 |
3 | Dominater069 | 160 |
4 | Um_nik | 159 |
5 | atcoder_official | 156 |
6 | djm03178 | 153 |
6 | adamant | 153 |
8 | luogu_official | 149 |
9 | awoo | 148 |
10 | TheScrasse | 146 |
I am quite confused about whats going on this year, what I heard is , there is going to be two world finals this year. What teams go to the first one and what teams go to the second one?
Dear Codeforcers, I am an international student who is currently studying at UNSW Sydney. I am doing a double degree of advanced maths and computer science. I have been doing informatics Olympiad in my high school and ACM-ICPC atm. As Summer(for Australia) holiday is approaching, I am really interested in finding a software engineer internship at Sydney. However, I did some research and without exaggeration, every company requires residency(permanent residency or citizenship). Some companies only hire graduating students. Is there any suggestion you guys can give me? That would be very appreciated!
Kind Regards
Hi Codeforces, I met a problem which is matrix exponential in my country's selection exam day2, unluckily, i didn't solve it, only got all the subtasks, and i can't find much problems related to it. Would you guys give some advice? Cheers :)
Hi guys, I am working on a problem as following:
(1) add a new line which is represented as y = kix + bi, particularly ki is not mono
(2) give u x, ask the maximum y among all these lines
you have to do it online
Would anyone like to explain how set works specificly?
out of curiosity, is it an unusual round?
In my point of view i don't think that's actually a good idea coz Codeforces has hack system, if u can't see the test data, then u probably have to debug it forever :L
Hey guys, i was working on this problem 827D-Best edge weight
There is a skill i learnt from a code, if you used two-power walk (i don't know how to call it in a proper way), let fa[i][j] represents you start from i, walk 2j steps upward, the vertex you can reach. p[i][j] represents the same stuff but instead of storing the vertex you can reach, we store the minimum weight among all the edges you pass from u to v.
if you want to change the weights on all the edges on the path from u to v on the tree, you only need to do the following part:
void modify(int u,int z,int w) //change to w, assume z is the lca to (u,v) coz u can split it into u->lca,v->lca
int c = dep[u]-dep[z];
for(int i = 19; i >= 0; -- i) if(c&(1<<i)) p[u][i] = min(p[u][i], w), u = fa[u][i];
and then in the main function, we do
fd(j,19,1) fo(i,1,n)
p[j-1][i] = min(p[j-1][i], p[j][i]);
p[j-1][fa[j-1][i]] = min(p[j-1][fa[j-1][i]], p[j][i]);
i am wondering if this skill is correct and i can use it for any offline modification?
thanks :P
I just chekced the live board and there is only one american pariticpant, could anyone tell me why?
Hi fellows, I am a pupil to D&C optimization and I really want to practise on that skill.
Would anyone like to recommend some good problems which use D&C to optimize DP? Cheers!
There are soo many "In queue", is it able to be fixed before tonight's cf round?
Hi guys, i participated srm717 last night, and submitted q1, here is my idea (but failed in system test, i have no idea)
First we know there is one and only one solution, which makes the difficulty of this problem locate on constructing the graph.
So i came up with a greedy idea:
(1) we sort S[] from small to big, then we bruteforce i from 1 -> n
(2) we try to choose some nodes to be connected with node i, the nodes should satisfy that
they haven't been connected with i yet
their outdegree should be as small as possible
then i passed all the examples but got failed in system test.. i am a bit curious
btw the contest is not active therefore i can't see the test data
Thanks guys :)
hey guys, i was chatting with my dudes, and then we found an interesting problem, plz give me some ideas, cheers.
give u n numbers represented as ai(can be positive or negative),u have todeal with m operations
add x y c, add c to [x,y]
times x y c, times c to [x,y]
divide x y c, make everything in [x,y] divided by c, ignore the digits after decimal point
ask x y, ask the sum in [x,y]
ask how many times in [x,y] such that the prefix sum of i is negative
n,m smaller than 1e5, other numbers are integers
for constaints, it is like a warm up round
for others, it is a good round to practise if they are unofficial
can't live without cf in 1.5 months!
as the title
Lots of problems in Round#398 results.
It shows i passed A&D
but i got rk2300+, then drop 77 rating
What's going on????
first of all, this is my first tutorial of one whole round, so there must be some places that i need to improve, if you find bug, just comment it and i will be pleasure to update.
Secondly, this round i got rk 151 in div2. it's too stupid that i came up with a wrong idea which made me waste lots of time, but after the competition, i finish them, it seems the offical tutorial still not okay. Therefore, i published this one.
Third, i wanna say thanks to my friends: samzhang[15120] & quailty[quailty]
We know if we are posa now and we wanna go to posb, there are two ways.
1.clockwise, which cost |posa - posb|
2.counter-clockwise, which cost 26 - |posa - posb|
just choose the smaller one.
there are two ways to buy pizzas:
1.one day, two pizzas.
2.two day, one pizza each day.
We know it is always better if we can buy exactly ai pizzas in that day
but sometimes ai can't be divided by 2
so we need to buy option#2 : one pizza each day
then ai - 1 can be divided by 2
but don't forget ai + 1 shoude decrease 1
why only one? beacause the main idea is to make smaller influence
btw, when ai < 0 ( after decreasing ), stop and exit.
consider li, ri as a non-directed edge.
so the question changes into: there are some conected components, one component must be the same color, query the minimum times to modify one vector's color.
it's easy to solve with dsu , first of all, we use dsu to get all conected components. For each conected component, we use the color which has the most frequency to colour this connected component.
so we get an algorithm.
imagine we need to sort an array A
we want Ai < Aj (j > i), we just need to make Ai < Ai + 1
this problem is the same way, if we want all words are sorted, we just need to compare each pair of adjacent words.
consider about the following two words:A and B(A is in front of B)
According to the notice, we know for each i we need Ai ≤ Bi
let x represent the answer, consider two elements, Ai, Bi
if Ai = Bi, skip
if Ai < Bi, absolutely
if Ai > Bi, we also say that
as soon as Ai ≠ Bi is satisfie, we can skip the rest.
how to solve these inequalities? just use Segment_Tree or Bit or Difference
i recommend Difference because C ≤ 106
let dp[i] represent the maximum difference when Petya is first,and he got prefix [1, i]
it's easy to see that
s[i] represent
do a change, we have
use suffix maximum array is enough.
consider transform as swaping characters.
it is easy to notice that Ai ≤ 2 × 105
so we use an array to count the number of Ai
after that, we suppose Ai is the base
then we know all P that P = k × Ai, find how many times P appears after modifying
it is easy to solve by the array we created.
because of this is harmonic progression, so it is an algorithm.
Thanks for reading!
At first, this solution is more simple than one solution i saw among the comments.
now let's see how to solve this problem.
First we know it just asks the minnium of cost. Obviously we should use DP.
Let F[i] represent the minnium of cost to create the 'A' string which has n characters.
Consider first operation, easily we know F[i] = F[i - 1] + x
How to deal with the second operation and third? We can consider them together!
But why? After thinking about that, we know that we use 'delete operation' when we have excess characters.
However, if we just add 'a', it is impossible to exceed.
The only reason of exceeding is we used the second operation!
After that, we can know E.G. we want aaaaa , we have aaa, so we first copy and paste(cost y), then we have aaaaaa, we have to delete one(cost x)
Therefore, it is an O(n2) algorithm. TLE!
We can use humdrum queue to make it much faster. As a result, it is O(n)
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
#define mp make_pair
#define fi first
#define se second
#define rep(i,s,t) for(int i = s; i <= t; ++ i)
typedef long long LL;
const int MaxN = 10000050;
int N, X, Y;
LL dp[MaxN], Ans = 1LL<<61;
pair<LL,int> Q[MaxN];
int front, tail;
int main()
front = 0; tail = -1;
dp[1] = X; Q[++tail] = mp(3LL*X, 1);
while(front <= tail && Q[front].se < (int)(i/2)+(i%2)) ++ front;
dp[i] = min(dp[i-1] + X, Q[front].fi + Y - (LL)i*X);
//f(i)=min{f(i-1)+x, f(j)+2*j*x-i*x+y}
while(front <= tail && dp[i] + 2LL*i*X < Q[tail].fi) -- tail;
Q[++tail] = mp(dp[i] + 2LL*i*X, i);
return 0;
or see my submission here.
First, suppose n is the shortest side of the triangle, m, k are other two sides. According to Pythagorean Theorem, we know n2 + m2 = k2
just do a change k2 - m2 = n2
futherly (k + m)(k - m) = n2
as we know, n2 × 1 = n2 so we can suppose that k + m = n2, k - m = 1 [because we have SPJ]
easily, we get
because the side is a interger, so this solution can only be used when n is a odd.
So how to deal with even? we find that if (k-m) is odd, the solution is suitable for odd. On the other hand, we guess that if(k-m) is even, the solution is suitable for even.
just as this,
so, we get
this is an O(1) algorithm.
So if you want to see more clearly, you can see the formual on this page. if you have some questions, i am willing to help you.:) [my english is not very good, so please pass some grammer fault.:P]
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