Блог пользователя PORONGON

Автор PORONGON, история, 3 года назад, По-английски


My name is Roberto Esquivel Cabrera, I am a former participant of ICPC and other renowned competitions, such as RPC and LPMQTP. I want to express my surprise about something I have found in ICPC webpage.


It can be read:

Note: ICPC World Finals Moscow participation is not counted towards the max participation in two WFs.

Does anybody know precisely if this is accurate or am I confusing something? It seems to me that I don't quite understand texan.

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Автор PORONGON, история, 5 лет назад, По-английски

Hello community,

I write a little entry here to open a small debate on Div. 1 Rounds. As we all know, these are "the main dish" in this platform. The most interesting competitions held within Codeforces have always been Div1 (or Div1+Div2) rounds, and it makes perfect sense.

I've been thinking a little bit, and I came up with an idea that I think may be helpful to improve the experience during the competition in Div. 1 rounds. I think that most of rounds would be far more interesting if we made them last one hour longer.

Taking a look on recent (and past) rounds on Div1, it is the case that in most cases the participants in the top positions do not solve the whole problemset. This is right, since the last problem is supposed to be (a priori) truly challenging. However, if at not even at least one among the best programmers in the world is able to solve all the problems within the time, this means that maybe the rounds are really short.

Also, since there are not so many Div1 rounds in general, I would suggest to make them last 3 hours. There's no loss here, and more people could be on the move of competing with challenging tasks.

Thank you, and if you don't agree, let's have a little discussion here. It is on the behalf of improving the experience on CF.


Roberto Esquivel Cabrera.

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