Kita's blog

By Kita, history, 13 months ago, In English

Hey guys!

This year, I decided to start posting different videos other than some codeforces editorial videos, and so I decided to make video editorials on easier IOI problems!

You can check out the first video on IOI 2018 Combo I posted on my channel:


As always, please let me know what you think, so that I can improve my content, and please let me know if there is a specific problem you would like me to do a video on. Thank you!

UPD: I posted another video, this time the question is IOI 2022 Insects, which was the first (and only) problem I solved at the IOI! I'm splitting this one into three videos, so here is the link to the first part: video

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By Kita, history, 18 months ago, In English

Hey guys!

I decided to make a video editorial on problem D of today's codeforces contest, so that you can visualize the solution to the problem.

Video solution to D

Thank you, and if you have any suggestions or comments please let me know so I can improve my videos!

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By Kita, 21 month(s) ago, In English

Hey guys,

I found this problem hard in the contest with many different cases and things, so I decided to make a video editorial on it.

Video editorial

please let me know if you have any suggestions/comments, it really helps me with my future videos!

Thank you!

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By Kita, history, 22 months ago, In English

Hey guys

if anyone wanted a video editorial for today div2 problem C I made one and posted onto youtube


Thank you!

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By Kita, 2 years ago, In English

Hey guys,

if anyone wanted a video editorial to problem C of the latest round, I have uploaded a video to my YouTube channel:

video editorial

please let me know if you have any suggestions/comments, it really helps me with my future videos!

Thank you!

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By Kita, history, 2 years ago, In English

Hey guys!

I've made a video editorial for problem D of today's contest, so that you can visualize the steps of the constructive algorithm if you were interested or perhaps struggling to understand from the text.

Solution Video

As always, please let me know if you have any suggestions, so that I can try and improve my video editorials!

Thank you!

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By Kita, 2 years ago, In English

Hey guys,

If anyone wanted a video editorial of the most recent codeforces round Div1B/Div2D "Letter Exchange", I have posted it on my youtube channel!

Youtube Video

As always, please tell me if you have any suggestions or any requests on which problem I should make a video on next! Thank you!!

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By Kita, 2 years ago, In English


I have made a second video!

video 2

Hey guys,

I have realized that most codeforces guides include something like doing more problems, or some strategy to help people practice. Instead of making a video like this, I have decided to make a new video series where I share some tips and tricks I have come across while solving the easier problems (Div. 2 ABC) in some unorthodox ways. This will include things like how to quickly guess and prove a solution, using sample cases to your advantage and learning some common ideas in these questions.

I have uploaded my first video in which I go over two questions, which are relatively tricky to find out where to start, but become much easier when you notice a pattern in the sample cases.


Please let me know what you think of it and if you have any suggestions please tell me so I can improve my videos in the future. Thank you!

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By Kita, 2 years ago, In English

Hey guys, about a month ago I made a YouTube channel, where I post video animated editorials to some questions I have solved in-contest that were cool or interesting to me. The problems I have made editorial videos on are:

1787C - Remove the Bracket (today's contest problem C)


1775D - Friendly Spiders


1782D - Many Perfect Squares


1775A2 - Gardener and the Capybaras (hard version)


1783D - Different Arrays


1768D - Lucky Permutation


1779A - Hall of Fame


Please tell me what you think of them and let me know if you have any suggestions so I can improve my videos. Thank you so much!!

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By Kita, history, 3 years ago, In English
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By Kita, history, 3 years ago, In English

Hey guys,

Whats the most unique or coolest problem statement for a competitive programming problem you've seen? Doesn't have to just be from codeforces.

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