I have two integer b,n. I need to check if the number n is integer power of number b. For example: 100 is an integer power of 10. As 10^2 = 100. But 110 is not an integer power of 10. How to determine this in coding?
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I have two integer b,n. I need to check if the number n is integer power of number b. For example: 100 is an integer power of 10. As 10^2 = 100. But 110 is not an integer power of 10. How to determine this in coding?
Given an array of n-2 unique numbers in range 1 to n (inclusive). I want to find the missing two numbers in the array using xor. Please help me providing the idea. Thanks in advance.
Getting Runtime Error on test case 11 for 791B - Bear and Friendship Condition. Please help me.
Code: 25707815 [Python 3]
while (cin >> x) {
// code
I am a beginner in python. I've solved problems in some OJs with C++. Now i want to do it with Python 3. I started but i saw that my code wasn't not efficient. I got run time error or Time Limit. I faced problems taking input specially in UVa problems. Please help me.
Please help me to overcome time limit.
Problem Link: UVa 11340 Newspaper
My Code:
from sys import stdin,stdout
dd = dict()
tests = int(input().strip() )
for t in range(tests):
sm = 0.0
m = int(input().strip())
for x in range(m):
ch,vl = input().strip().split()
for x in range(int(input())):
for letter in line:
if letter in dd:
sm += dd[letter]
print('%0.2f$' %(sm/100.0))
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