Блог пользователя Hepic_Antony_Skarlatos

Автор Hepic_Antony_Skarlatos, 10 лет назад, По-английски

I was practising in a problem here in codeforces,and I wanted to train my C# skills a bit. So I wrote an answer about the problem,and when I tested it throwed "time limit exceed". I was curious about a faster way,so I checked 2-3 another sources,and I found a very similar one in C++. So I wrote the same program in C++,and my answer was accepted.

Why happened that?

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Автор Hepic_Antony_Skarlatos, 10 лет назад, По-английски

In this problem http://www.spoj.com/problems/PLD/ , what is the best way to use rabin_karp?

To precalculate hashes,or add-delete numbers? Cause I am stuck at this 4 hours now... :(

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Автор Hepic_Antony_Skarlatos, 10 лет назад, По-английски

Yesterday I read BFS for first time. I knew before DFS,and I had use it in 10+ problems,so it was a bit easier to undestand BFS. After of much time of reading(editorial) and effort,I undestood the solution of this: "Inviational 02 Semifinal Room 2 — Div 1 500 — Escape",problem from topcoder,and I solved it. But I saw that in topcoder tutorial,has not other bfs problems. Could you link me one more BFS problem down,that his difficulty is almost same with the above problem?

(I googled it,but in my results,I did not find the level of each problem,so I couldnt know,if I am suitable to solve that.)

Thank you for your time, and sorry if my english is a bit meaningless :P !!!

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Автор Hepic_Antony_Skarlatos, 10 лет назад, По-английски

That post is just from curiosity and to check my progress :D . I searched before if there are relative posts,but I did not find anything,so I took the courage to write a post like that.

My question goes for people that are or was "red" here or in other site. So, what was your age when you became first time red?? There are red programmers with age of 19 and down,or there are not so young "red"??

Thank you for your time,and sorry if my english are not so clear :D

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Автор Hepic_Antony_Skarlatos, 11 лет назад, По-английски

I have a question about the problem above in the title. If instead dp,I use bruteforcing??? For example in the first input "3 3 2", with bruteforce I would have these: 1 1, 1 2, 1 3, ... ... 1 1 1, 1 1 2, 1 1 3, 1 2 1, 1 2 2, 1 2 3, .....

For each one,I would check the sum and if it has at least d. Program would run more than 1 second??

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Автор Hepic_Antony_Skarlatos, 11 лет назад, По-английски

I saw,that codeforce support javascript and php. I am reading both of them,these days,I would love to solve some problems with them. The problem,is that I do not know how to read the input with these language.

Could you help me??? I really appreciate it. :D

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Автор Hepic_Antony_Skarlatos, 11 лет назад, По-английски

I am really sorry if this question is asked many times,but I am new and I have curiosity. First of all,I want to tell you that I searched much of time about that,before make the thread here,and the only one that I found was a formula,which counts the probability to take higher position of an other player.(Ea = 1/(1+10^Rb-Ra/400...something like that.)

My question is...I should calculate that for me and for all players in the competition?? Or there is an easier way to find my probably position of the contest??

Thank you very much !!!

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Автор Hepic_Antony_Skarlatos, 11 лет назад, По-английски

My question is for the problem above in the title. I wrote a solution and in all testcases until 19 it was accepted. In 20 it printed that: "wrong answer Integer parameter [name=current length] equals to 0, violates the range [1, 5962]"

What that means?? What is my error?? It is in size?? or something else?

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Автор Hepic_Antony_Skarlatos, 11 лет назад, По-английски

Hello!!! I am new here,so I am sorry if this is not the suitable place for asking questions. The problem that I am talking for is that: http://codeforces.me/contest/443/problem/B I solved that...but I have a question.

In the 3rd testcase,with "abracadabra" it prints 20,because we will split that to "a bracadabra bracadabra",and N will be 10,where N is phrase[i]=phrase[i+N]

I fixed that,to my solution so it is accepted,but still have this question. If N was 7,we would split the phrase like that: "abracad abracad abracad", so the answer would be 21.(21 > 20)

Could have the answer??? Thank you a lot !!!

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